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oxygen-dioxide edited this page Mar 11, 2025 · 3 revisions

USTX is the project file format for OpenUtau. This document outlines the structure and semantics of the USTX format for developers building tools that process USTX files.

Basic concepts

  • Tick: the time unit in midi. 1 quarter note equals to 480 ticks.
  • Midi number: tone representation in midi. C4 = 60. Unit is semitone

File Structure

A USTX file is a YAML-based (YAML 1.2) text format in UTF-8 encoding, with the following top-level sections:


Field Type Description
name string Project name
ustx_version string USTX format version, currently 0.6
resolution int Ticks per quarter note, always 480
key int Musical key of the project, used for scale degree displaying. 0 means C major or A minor
time_signature list List of time signature changes
tempos list List of tempo changes
tracks list List of tracks
voice_parts list List of voice parts (part containing notes for synthesis)
wave_parts list List of wave parts (external audio file, usually instrumental of the song)

bpm, beat_per_bar and beat_unit under the project root are deprecated. To get the tempo and time signatures, please use tempos and time_signature.


Defines vocal parameters (e.g., dynamics, vibrato) as curves or numerical values.
Located under expressions as key-value pairs. Each expression has:

Field Type Description
name string Human-readable name (e.g., "dynamics (curve)")
abbr string Short identifier (e.g., "dyn")
type string Curve, Options, or Numerical
min/max int Value range
default_value int Default if not explicitly set
is_flag bool Whether the parameter is a UTAU resampler flag
flag string UTAU resampler flag symbol (e.g., "g" for gender)
options list For Options type: list of possible values (e.g., ["off", "on"])


  name: dynamics (curve)
  abbr: dyn
  type: Curve
  min: -240
  max: 120
  default_value: 0

Time and Tempo

  • Time Signatures (time_signatures):
    Defines changes in time signature. Each entry includes:

    • bar_position: Bar number where the change applies.
    • beat_per_bar: Numerator (e.g., 4 for 4/4).
    • beat_unit: Denominator (e.g., 4 for 4/4).
  • Tempos (tempos):
    Defines BPM changes. Each entry includes:

    • position: Tick position where the tempo change occurs.
    • bpm: BPM value.


Defines audio tracks under tracks. Each track includes:

Field Type Description
singer string Voicebank identifier
phonemizer string Phonemizer plugin
track_name string Track label
track_color string Display color (e.g., "Blue")
mute/solo bool Mute/solo state
volume float Track volume (dB)
voice_color_names list List of available voice colors in the voicebank

Voice Parts

Contains musical notes and phrases under voice_parts. Each part includes:

Field Type Description
duration int Total duration in ticks
name string Name of the part
track_no int Index of the track that the part belongs to
position int Starting tick position relative to the project
notes list List of notes (see below)
curves list Curve expressions (see below)


Each note under notes has:

Field Type Description
position int Start tick relative to the starting position voice part
duration int Note length in ticks
tone int MIDI note number (e.g., 60 = C4)
lyric string Lyric text (e.g., "san")
pitch object Pitch control points
vibrato object Vibrato parameters (depth, period, fade-in/out)
phoneme_expressions list Numerical and option expressions edited per phoneme by the user
phoneme_overrides list Phoneme name and position (tick offset relative to the original phonemizer result) edited by the user


  - position: 1920
    duration: 720
    tone: 70
    lyric: san
      - {x: -274.03845, y: 0, shape: io}
      - {x: -158.65384, y: -32.46212, shape: io}
      - {x: 40, y: 0, shape: io}
      snap_first: true
    vibrato: {length: 0, period: 175, depth: 25, in: 10, out: 10, shift: 0, drift: 0, vol_link: 0}
    - {index: 0, abbr: clr, value: 1}
    - {index: 1, abbr: clr, value: 2}
    - index: 1
      phoneme: a
    - index: 0
      offset: 65


Defines automation curves (e.g., pitch, dynamics) under curves.

Field Type Description
xs List Tick position of each sample point in the curve
ys List Value at each sample point
abbr string Expression abbr

Wave Parts

External audio files imported to the project, under wave_parts

Field Type Description
name string Name of the part
track_no int Index of the track that the part belongs to
position int Starting tick position relative to the project
relative_path string Path to the audio file relative to the .ustx file, absolute path if on another drive
file_duration_ms float Duration of the audio file in milliseconds

Developer notes

For python developers, please use ruamel.yaml when working with .ustx files, because it supports yaml 1.2 . Don't use pyyaml.


The reading and writing of USTX files is officially implemented in OpenUtau.Core/Ustx

Below are third-party implementations of USTX reading and writing: