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ARM Models Sorted by Chapter
Each chapter has a README file on github that you can view by clicking on the chapter link and scrolling down (past the files). The README file contains information about the data contained in the chapter (particularly, what each variable represents) and sorts the models in the chapter by type.
If there is a * next to a model name, then the model DOES NOT currently work with RStanARM. Furthermore, multilevel models are not currently supported by RStanARM, but all other models below (without a *) are supported.
- Chapter 2 - Concepts and Methods from Basic Probability and Statistics
- Chapter 3 - Linear Regression: the Basics
- Chapter 4 - Linear Regression: Before and After Fitting the Model
- Chapter 5 - Logistic Regression
- Chapter 6 - Generalized Linear Models
- Chapter 7 - Simulation of Probability Models and Statistical Inference
- Chapter 8 - Simulation for Checking Statistical Procedures and Model Fits
- Chapter 9 - Causal Inference Using Regression on the Treatment Variable
- Chapter 10 - Causal Inference Using More Advanced Models
- Chapter 11 - Multilevel Structures
- Chapter 12 - Multilevel Linear Models: the Basics
- Chapter 13 - Multilevel Linear Models: Varying Slopes, Non-Nested Models, and Other Complexities
- Chapter 14 - Multilevel Logistic Regression
- Chapter 15 - Multilevel Generalized Linear Models
- Chapter 16 - Multilevel Modeling in Bugs and R: the Basics
- Chapter 17 - Fitting Multilevel Linear and Generalized Linear Models in Bugs and R
- Chapter 18 - Likelihood and Bayesian Inference and Computation
- Chapter 19 - Debugging and Speeding Convergence
- Chapter 20 - Sample Size and Power Calculations
- Chapter 21 - Understanding and Summarizing the Fitted Models
- Chapter 22 - Analysis of Variance
- Chapter 23 - Causal Inference Using Multilevel Models
- Chapter 24 - Model Checking and Comparison
- Chapter 25 - Missing-Data Imputation
kidscore_momhs: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs)
kidscore_momiq: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_iq)
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq)
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
kidiq_interaction: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq + mom_hs:mom_iq)
kidiq_interaction: linear model with two predictors and interaction
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq)
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
kidscore_momiq: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_iq)
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq)
kidiq_interaction: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq + mom_hs:mom_iq)
kidscore_momiq: linear model with one predictor
lm (kid_score ~ mom_iq)
kidscore_momiq: linear model with one predictor
kidiq_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq)
kidiq_validation: linear model with two predictors
lm (ppvt ~ hs + afqt)
earn_height: linear model with one predictor
lm (earnings ~ height)
kidiq_interaction: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (kid_score ~ mom_hs + mom_iq + mom_hs:mom_iq)
kidiq_interaction_c: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using mean
lm (kid_score ~ c_mom_hs + c_mom_iq + c_mom_hs:c_mom_iq)
kidiq_interaction_c2: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using conventional points
lm (kid_score ~ c2_mom_hs + c2_mom_iq + c2_mom_hs:c2_mom_iq)
kidiq_interaction_z: linear model with two predictors and interaction centered using z-score
lm (kid_score ~ z_mom_hs + z_mom_iq + z_mom_hs:z_mom_iq)
logearn_height: linear model with one predictor and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height)
log10earn_height: linear model with one predictor and log10 transformation
lm (log10_earnings ~ height)
logearn_height_male: linear model with two predictors and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height + male)
logearn_interaction: linear model with two predictors and interaction and natural log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ height + male + height:male)
logearn_interaction_z: linear model with two predictors and interaction and natural log transformation centered using z-score
lm (log_earnings ~ z_height + male + z_height:male)
logearn_logheight: linear model with two predictors and log log transformation
lm (log_earnings ~ log_height + male)
kidscore_momwork: linear model with one factor
lm (kid_score ~ as.factor(mom_work))
mesquite: linear model with six predictors
lm (weight~ diam1 + diam2 + canopy_height + total_height + density + group)
mesquite_log: linear model with six predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight~ log_diam1 + log_diam2 + log_canopy_height + log_total_height + log_density + group)
mesquite_volume: linear model with one transformed predictor and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume)
mesquite_vas: linear model with three predictors and three transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + log_canopy_shape + log_total_height + log_density + group)
mesquite_va: linear model with one predictor and two transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + group)
mesquite_vash: linear model with two predictors and three transformed predictors and log transformation
lm (log_weight ~ log_canopy_volume + log_canopy_area + log_canopy_shape + log_total_height + group)
nes: linear model with eight predictors
lm (partyid7 ~ real_ideo + race_adj + age30_44 + age45_64 + age65up + educ1 + gender + income)
nes_logit: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit"))
nes_logit: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_dist: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switched ~ dist, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_dist100: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switched ~ dist100, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_interaction: generalized linear model with logit link function and two predictors and interaction
glm (switched ~ dist100 + arsenic + dist100:arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_interaction_c: generalized linear model with logit link function with two predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_daae_c: generalized linear model with logit link function and four predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic + assoc + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_dae_c: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_arsenic + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_predicted: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4 + c_arsenic:c_educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_predicted: generalized linear model with logit link function with three predictors and interaction centered using mean
glm (switc ~ c_dist100 + c_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4 + c_arsenic:c_educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_predicted_log: generalized linear model with logit link function with three predictors and interaction with log transform and centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_log_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_log_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4 + c_log_arsenic:c_educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_predicted_log: generalized linear model with logit link function with three predictors and interaction with log transform and centered using mean
glm (switched ~ c_dist100 + c_log_arsenic + c_educ4 + c_dist100:c_log_arsenic + c_dist100:c_educ4 + c_log_arsenic:c_educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_dae: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors
glm (switched ~ dist100 + arsenic + educ4, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_dae_inter: generalized linear model with logit link function and three predictors with interaction
glm (switched ~ dist100 + arsenic + educ4 + dist100:arsenic, family=binomial(link="logit"))
separation: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (y ~ x, family=binomial(link="logit"))
wells_probit: generalized linear model with probit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist100, family=binomial(link="probit"))
6.5 Ordered & Unordered Categorical Regression - MISSING DATA
earnings1: generalized linear model with logit link function and two predictors
glm (earn_pos ~ height + male, family=binomial(link="logit"))
earnings2: linear model with two predictors and log transformation
lm (log_earn ~ height + male, subset=earn>0)
wells_logit: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist100, family=binomial(link="logit"))
earnings_interactions: linear model with two predictors and interaction and log transformation
lm (log_earn ~ height + male + height:male)
congress: linear model with two predictors
lm (vote_88 ~ vote_86 + incumbency_88)
wells: generalized linear model with logit link function and one predictor
glm (switc ~ dist, family=binomial(link="logit"))
earnings1: generalized linear model with logit link function and two predictors
glm (earn_pos ~ height + male, family=binomial(link="logit"))
earnings2: linear model with two predictors and log transformation
lm (log_earn ~ height + male, subset=earn>0)
y_x: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ x)
grades: linear model with one predictor
lm (final ~ midterm)
lightspeed: linear model with no predictors
lm (y ~ 1)
roaches: poisson regression model with exposure and three predictors
glm (y ~ roach1 + treatment + senior, family=poisson, offset=log(exposure2))
roaches_overdispersion: poisson overdispersion regression model with exposure and three predictors
glm(y ~ roach1 + treatment + senior, family=quasipoisson, offset=log(exposure2))
unemployment: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ y_lag)
electric_tr: linear model with one predictor
lm (post_test ~ treatment)
electric_trpre: linear model with two predictors
lm (post_test ~ pre_test + treatment)
electric_tr: linear model with one predictor
lm (post_test ~ treatment)
electric_trpre: linear model with two predictors
lm (post_test ~ treatment + pre_test)
electric_inter: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (post_test ~ pre_test + treatment + pre_test:treatment)
electric_supp: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (post_test ~ supp + pre_test)
ideo_two_pred: linear model with two predictors
lm (score1 ~ party + x, subset=overlap)
ideo_two_pred: linear model with two predictors
lm (score1 ~ party + x, subset=incs)
ideo_reparam: linear model with two predictors and reparamaterization
lm (score1 ~ party + I(z*(party==0)) + I(z*(party==1)), subset=incs)
ideo_interactions: linear model with two predictors and interaction
lm (score1 ~ party + x + party:x, subset=incs)
sesame_one_pred_a: linear model with one predictor
lm (watched ~ encouraged)
sesame_one_pred_b: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ encouraged)
sesame_one_pred_a: linear model with one predictor
lm (watched ~ encouraged)
sesame_one_pred_2b: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ watched_hat)
sesame_multi_preds_3a: linear model with three predictors and one factor
lm (watched ~ encouraged + pretest + as.factor(site) + setting)
sesame_multi_preds_3b: linear model with three predictors and one factor
lm (y ~ watched_hat + pretest + as.factor(site) + setting)
12.2 Partial Pooling with No Predictors
radon_intercept: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_intercept_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_intercept: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
12.3 Partial Pooling with Predictors
radon_complete_pool: multi-level linear model with complete pooling
lm (y ~ x)
radon_no_pool: multi-level linear model with no pooling
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon_no_pool_chr: multi-level linear model with no pooling using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon_intercept: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_no_pool: multi-level linear model with no pooling
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon_group: multi-level linear model with group level predictor and individual level predictors
lmer (y ~ x + u + (1 | county))
radon_group_chr: multi-level linear model with group level predictor and individual level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x + u + (1 | county))
radon_no_pool: multi-level linear model with no pooling
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon_group: multi-level linear model with group level predictor and individual level predictors
lmer (y ~ x + u + (1 | county))
radon_group: multi-level linear model with group level predictor and individual level predictors
13.1 Varying Intercepts & Slopes
radon_vary_si: multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | county))
radon_vary_si_chr: multi-level linear model with group level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | county))
y_x: linear model with one predictor
lm (y ~ x)
* [radon_inter_vary](https://github.com/stan-dev/example-models/blob/master/ARM/Ch.13/radon_inter_vary.stan): multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x + u.full + x:u.full + (1 + x | county))
* [radon_inter_vary_chr](https://github.com/stan-dev/example-models/blob/master/ARM/Ch.13/radon_inter_vary_chr.stan): multi-level linear model with group level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x + u.full + x:u.full + (1 + x | county))
earnings_vary_si: multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | ethn))
earnings_vary_si_chr: multi-level linear model with group level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x (1 + x | ethn))
pilots: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group.id) (1 | scenario.id))
pilots_chr: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group.id) (1 | scenario.id))
earnings_latin_square: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ x.centered + (1 + x.centered | eth) + (1 + x.centered | age) + (1 + x.centered | eth:age))
earnings_latin_square_chr: non-nested multi-level linear model with group level predictors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ x.centered + (1 + x.centered | eth) + (1 + x.centered | age) + (1 + x.centered | eth:age))
14.1 State-Level Opinions From National Polls
election88: multi-level logistic regression model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ black + female + (1 | state), family=binomial(link="logit"))
election88_full: multi-level logistic regression model with group level predictors
lmer (y ~ black + female + black:female + v.prev.full + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age.edu) + (1 | state) + (1 | region.full), family=binomial(link="logit"))
16.3 Fitting and Understanding a Varying Intercept Multilevel Model Using RStan
16.4 Step by Step through a Stan Model
radon.1: varying intercept model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon.1: varying intercept model
16.5 Adding Individual and Group Level Predictors
radon.pooling: pooled model
lm (y ~ x + 1)
radon.nopooling: varying intercept model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon.2: varying intercept and slope model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 + x | county))
radon.2: varying intercept and slope model
17.1 Varying Intercepts and Varying Slope Models
17.1_radon_multi_varying_coef: multiply varying coefficients model
17.1_radon_vary_inter_slope: varying intercept and slope model
17.1_radon_correlation: varying intercept and slope model with correlation between slopes and intercepts
17.1_radon_wishart: scaled inverse wishart model
17.1_radon_wishart2: two varying coefficients model with unmodeled individual-level coefficients
17.2 Varying Intercept and Slope Models with Group Level Predictors
17.2_radon_multi_varying_coef: multiply varying coefficients model with group level predictors
17.2_radon_vary_inter_slope: varying intercept and slope model with group level predictors
17.2_radon_correlation: varying intercept and slope model with correlation between slopes and intercepts and group level predictors
17.2_radon_wishart: scaled inverse wishart model with group level predictors
17.3_flight_simulator: varying intercept model
lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
17.3_flight_simulator: varying intercept model
17.4 Multilevel Logistic Regression
- 17.4_multilevel_logistic: multilevel logistic regression model
17.5 Multilevel Poisson Regression
- 17.5_multilevel_poisson: multilevel poisson regression model
17.6 Multilevel Ordered Categorical Regression
- 17.6_multilevel_ordered_categorical: multilevel ordered categorical regression model
17.7 Latent-data Parameterizations of GLM
17.7_latent_glm: latent-data parameterization of multilevel logistic regression model
17.7_robit: robit regression model
18.3 Bayes for Classical and Multilevel Regression
radon.1: varying intercept model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon.2: varying intercept and slope model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 + u | county))
radon.pool: pooled model
lm (y ~ x + 1)
radon.nopooling: varying intercept model
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
weight: centered linear model
lm (y ~ c_height + 1)
weight_censored: censored weight model
[19.2 General Methods for Reducing Computational Requirements] (https://github.com/stan-dev/example-models/blob/master/ARM/Ch.19/19.2_GeneralMethodsForReducingComputationalRequirements.R)
19.4 Redundant Parameters & Intentionally Non-identifiable Models
radon: multi-level liner model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_chr: multi-level liner model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_redundant: multi-level liner model with varying intercept and redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
radon_redundant_chr: multi-level liner model with varying intercept and redundant parameterization and the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
pilots: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
election88: multi-level logistic regression model with redundant parameterization
lmer (y ~ female + black + female:black + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age_edu) + (1 | state), family=binomial(link="logit"))
pilots_expansion: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | treatment) + (1 | airport))
election88_expansion: multi-level logistic regression model with parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ female + black + female:black + (1 | age) + (1 | edu) + (1 | age_edu) + (1 | state), family=binomial(link="logit"))
item_response: multi-level logistic regression model with parameter expansion
lmer (y ~ a:g + (a:g | k,j) + (g:b | k), family=binomial(link="logit"))
19.6 Using Redundant Parameters for Modeling
- 8_schools: multi-level linear model with redundant parameterization
20.5 Multilevel Power Calculation Using Fake-Data Simulation
hiv: multi-level linear model with varying slope and intercept
lmer (y ~ time + (1 + time | person)
hiv_chr: multi-level linear model with varying slope and intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ time + (1 + time | person)
hiv_inter: multi-level linear model with interaction and varying slope and intercept
lmer (y ~ time:treatment + (1 + time | person)
hiv_inter_chr: multi-level linear model with interaction and varying slope and intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ time:treatment + (1 + time | person)
21.2 Superpopulation & Finite-Population Variances
finite_populations: linear model with appropriate calculations for calculating the standard deviation of a finite population
lm (g ~ u_1 + u)
finite_populations: linear model with appropriate calculations for calculating the standard deviation of a finite population
r_sqr: multi-level linear model with appropriate calculations for R^2
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 + x | county))
r_sqr: multi-level linear model with appropriate calculations for R^2
21.6 Summarizing the Amount of Partial Pooling
radon_vary_intercept_a: multi-level linear model with varying intercept set up to calculate pooling factors
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_b: multi-level linear model with varying intercept set up to calculate pooling factors
lmer (y ~ x + (1 | county))
21.7 Adding a Predictor can Increase Residual Variance
radon_vary_intercept_floor: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + x + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_floor_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ u + x + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_floor2: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + x + x_mean + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_floor2_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ u + x + x_mean + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_nofloor: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ u + (1 | county))
radon_vary_intercept_nofloor_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ u + (1 | county))
21.8 Multiple Comparisons and Statistical Significance
multiple_comparisons: multi-level linear model that serves as a multiple comparisons example
lmer (y ~ theta (theta | j))
multiple_comparisons: multi-level linear model that serves as a multiple comparisons example
anova_radon_nopred: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and set up for ANOVA
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
anova_radon_nopred_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and set up for ANOVA using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | county))
23.1 Multilevel Aspects of Data Collection
electric_1a: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade))
electric_1a_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade))
electric_1b: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope
lmer (y ~ treatment + pre_test + (1 | pair))
electric_1b_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept and slope using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ treatment + pre_test + (1 | pair))
electric_1c: multi-level linear model with group level factors
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade) + (pre_test | grade))
electric_1c_chr: multi-level linear model with group level factors using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | pair) + (treatment | grade) + (pre_test | grade))
electric_one_pred: linear model with one predictor
lm (post_test ~ treatment)
electric_multi_preds: linear model with two predictors
lm (post_test ~ treatment + pre_test)
23.3 Treatments Applied at Different Levels
electric: multi-level linear model with varying intercept
lmer (y ~ treatment + (1 | pair))
electric_chr: multi-level linear model with varying intercept using the Choo-Hoffman Parametrization
lmer (y ~ treatment + (1 | pair))
23.4 Instrumental Variables & Multilevel Modeling
sesame_street1: multi-level linear model using multivariate normal
sesame_street2: multi-level linear model using multivariate normal
24.2 Behavioral Learning Experiments
dogs: multi-level logit regression model
dogs_log: multi-level model using binomial distribution
dogs_check: multi-level model using binomial distribution
25.4 Random Imputation of a Single Variable
earnings: linear model with ten predictors
lm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + workmos + workhrs_top + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity)
earnings_pt1: logistic regression model with eight predictors
glm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity, family=binomial(link="logit"))
earnings_pt2: linear model with eight predictors
lm (earnings ~ male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity)
25.5 Imputation of Several Missing variables
earnings2: mlinear model with eleven predictors
lm (earnings ~ interest + male + over65 + white + immig + educ_r + workmos + workhrs_top + any_ssi + any_welfare + any_charity)
earnings2: mlinear model with eleven predictors