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Feature/3146 laplace approx #3148

merged 11 commits into from
Oct 21, 2022
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions src/stan/services/optimize/laplace_sample.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@

#include <stan/callbacks/interrupt.hpp>
#include <stan/callbacks/logger.hpp>
#include <stan/callbacks/writer.hpp>
#include <stan/math/rev.hpp>
#include <stan/services/error_codes.hpp>
#include <stan/services/util/create_rng.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

namespace stan {
namespace services {
namespace internal {

template <bool jacobian, typename Model>
void laplace_sample(const Model& model, const Eigen::VectorXd& theta_hat,
int draws, unsigned int random_seed, int refresh,
callbacks::interrupt& interrupt, callbacks::logger& logger,
callbacks::writer& sample_writer) {
if (draws <= 0) {
throw std::domain_error("Number of draws must be > 0; found draws = "
+ std::to_string(draws));

std::vector<std::string> unc_param_names;
model.unconstrained_param_names(unc_param_names, false, false);
int num_unc_params = unc_param_names.size();

if (theta_hat.size() != num_unc_params) {
throw ::std::domain_error(
"Specified mode is wrong size; expected "
+ std::to_string(num_unc_params)
+ " unconstrained parameters, but specified mode has size = "
+ std::to_string(theta_hat.size()));

std::vector<std::string> param_tp_gq_names;
model.constrained_param_names(param_tp_gq_names, true, true);
size_t draw_size = param_tp_gq_names.size();

// write names of params, tps, and gqs to sample writer
std::vector<std::string> names;
static const bool include_tp = true;
static const bool include_gq = true;
model.constrained_param_names(names, include_tp, include_gq);

// create log density functor for vars and vals
std::stringstream log_density_msgs;
auto log_density_fun
= [&](const Eigen::Matrix<stan::math::var, -1, 1>& theta) {
return model.template log_prob<true, jacobian, stan::math::var>(
const_cast<Eigen::Matrix<stan::math::var, -1, 1>&>(theta),

// calculate inverse negative Hessian's Cholesky factor
if (refresh > 0) {"Calculating Hessian\n");
double log_p; // dummy
Eigen::VectorXd grad; // dummy
Eigen::MatrixXd hessian;
math::internal::finite_diff_hessian_auto(log_density_fun, theta_hat, log_p,
grad, hessian);
if (refresh > 0) {;"\n");

// calculate Cholesky factor and inverse
if (refresh > 0) {"Calculating inverse of Cholesky factor");"\n");
Eigen::MatrixXd L_neg_hessian = (-hessian).llt().matrixL();
Eigen::MatrixXd inv_sqrt_neg_hessian = L_neg_hessian.inverse().transpose();
Eigen::MatrixXd half_hessian = 0.5 * hessian;

// generate draws and output to sample writer
if (refresh > 0) {"Generating draws");"\n");
boost::ecuyer1988 rng = util::create_rng(random_seed, 0);
Eigen::VectorXd draw_vec; // declare draw_vec, msgs here to avoid re-alloc
for (int m = 0; m < draws; ++m) {
interrupt(); // allow interpution each iteration
if (refresh > 0 && m % refresh == 0) {"iteration: ");;"\n");
Eigen::VectorXd z(num_unc_params);
for (int n = 0; n < num_unc_params; ++n) {
z(n) = math::std_normal_rng(rng);

Eigen::VectorXd unc_draw = theta_hat + inv_sqrt_neg_hessian * z;
double log_p = log_density_fun(unc_draw).val();
Eigen::VectorXd diff = unc_draw - theta_hat;
double log_q = diff.transpose() * half_hessian * diff;

std::stringstream msgs;
model.write_array(rng, unc_draw, draw_vec, include_tp, include_gq, &msgs);
if (refresh > 0) {;"\n");
std::vector<double> draw(&draw_vec(0), &draw_vec(0) + draw_size);
} // namespace internal

* Take the specified number of draws from the Laplace approximation
* for the model at the specified unconstrained mode, writing the
* draws, unnormalized log density, and unnormalized density of the
* approximation to the sample writer and writing messages to the
* logger, returning a return code of zero if successful.
* Interrupts are called between compute-intensive operations. To
* turn off all console messages sent to the logger, set refresh to 0.
* If an exception is thrown by the model, the return value is
* non-zero, and if refresh > 0, its message is given to the logger as
* an error.
* @tparam jacobian `true` to include Jacobian adjustment for
* constrained parameters
* @tparam Model a Stan model
* @parma[in] m model from which to sample
* @parma[in] theta_hat unconstrained mode at which to center the
* Laplace approximation
* @param[in] draws number of draws to generate
* @param[in] random_seed seed for generating random numbers in the
* Stan program and in sampling
* @param[in] refresh period between iterations at which updates are
* given, with a value of 0 turning off all messages
* @param[in] interrupt callback for interrupting sampling
* @param[in,out] logger callback for writing console messages from
* sampler and from Stan programs
* @param[in,out] sample_writer callback for writing parameter names
* and then draws
* @return a return code, with 0 indicating success
template <bool jacobian, typename Model>
int laplace_sample(const Model& model, const Eigen::VectorXd& theta_hat,
int draws, unsigned int random_seed, int refresh,
callbacks::interrupt& interrupt, callbacks::logger& logger,
callbacks::writer& sample_writer) {
try {
internal::laplace_sample<jacobian>(model, theta_hat, draws, random_seed,
refresh, interrupt, logger,
return error_codes::OK;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
if (refresh >= 0) {
} catch (...) {
if (refresh >= 0) {
logger.error("unknown exception during execution\n");
return error_codes::DATAERR;
} // namespace services
} // namespace stan

10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/test/test-models/good/services/multi_normal.stan
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
transformed data {
vector[2] mu = [2, 3]';
cov_matrix[2] Sigma = [[1, 0.8], [0.8, 1]];
parameters {
vector[2] y;
model {
y ~ multi_normal(mu, Sigma);
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions src/test/unit/services/optimize/laplace_sample_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stan/callbacks/stream_logger.hpp>
#include <stan/callbacks/stream_writer.hpp>
#include <stan/io/dump.hpp>
#include <stan/io/empty_var_context.hpp>
#include <stan/io/stan_csv_reader.hpp>
#include <stan/services/error_codes.hpp>
#include <stan/services/optimize/laplace_sample.hpp>
#include <test/test-models/good/services/multi_normal.hpp>
#include <test/unit/services/instrumented_callbacks.hpp>
#include <test/unit/util.hpp>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class ServicesLaplaceSample : public ::testing::Test {
ServicesLaplaceSample() : logger(msgs, msgs, msgs, msgs, msgs) {}

void SetUp() {
stan::io::empty_var_context var_context;
model = new stan_model(var_context); // typedef from multi_normal.hpp

void TearDown() { delete model; }

stan_model* model;
std::stringstream msgs;
stan::callbacks::stream_logger logger;
stan::test::unit::instrumented_interrupt interrupt;

TEST_F(ServicesLaplaceSample, values) {
Eigen::VectorXd theta_hat(2);
theta_hat << 2, 3;
int draws = 50000; // big to enable mean, var & covar test precision
unsigned int seed = 1234;
int refresh = 1;
std::stringstream sample_ss;
stan::callbacks::stream_writer sample_writer(sample_ss, "");
int return_code = stan::services::laplace_sample<true>(
*model, theta_hat, draws, seed, refresh, interrupt, logger,
EXPECT_EQ(stan::services::error_codes::OK, return_code);
std::string samples_str = sample_ss.str();
EXPECT_EQ(2, count_matches("y", samples_str));
EXPECT_EQ(1, count_matches("y.1", samples_str));
EXPECT_EQ(1, count_matches("y.2", samples_str));
EXPECT_EQ(1, count_matches("log_p", samples_str));
EXPECT_EQ(1, count_matches("log_q", samples_str));

std::stringstream out;
stan::io::stan_csv draws_csv
= stan::io::stan_csv_reader::parse(sample_ss, &out);

EXPECT_EQ(4, draws_csv.header.size());
EXPECT_EQ("y[1]", draws_csv.header[0]);
EXPECT_EQ("y[2]", draws_csv.header[1]);
EXPECT_EQ("log_p", draws_csv.header[2]);
EXPECT_EQ("log_q", draws_csv.header[3]);

Eigen::MatrixXd sample = draws_csv.samples;
EXPECT_EQ(4, sample.cols());
EXPECT_EQ(draws, sample.rows());
Eigen::VectorXd y1 = sample.col(0);
Eigen::VectorXd y2 = sample.col(1);
Eigen::VectorXd log_p = sample.col(2);
Eigen::VectorXd log_q = sample.col(2);

// because target is normal, laplace approx is exact
for (int m = 0; m < draws; ++m) {
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0, log_p(m) - log_q(m));

// expect mean draws to be location params +/0 MC error
EXPECT_NEAR(2, stan::math::mean(y1), 0.05);
EXPECT_NEAR(3, stan::math::mean(y2), 0.05);

double sum1 = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < draws; ++m) {
sum1 += std::pow(y1(m) - 2, 2);
double var1 = sum1 / draws;
EXPECT_NEAR(1, var1, 0.05);

double sum2 = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < draws; ++m) {
sum2 += std::pow(y2(m) - 3, 2);
double var2 = sum2 / draws;
EXPECT_NEAR(1, var2, 0.05);

double sum12 = 0;
for (int m = 0; m < draws; ++m) {
sum12 += (y1(m) - 2) * (y2(m) - 3);
double cov = sum12 / draws;
EXPECT_NEAR(0.8, cov, 0.05);

TEST_F(ServicesLaplaceSample, wrongSizeModeError) {
Eigen::VectorXd theta_hat(3);
theta_hat << 2, 3, 4;
int draws = 10;
unsigned int seed = 1234;
int refresh = 1;
std::stringstream sample_ss;
stan::callbacks::stream_writer sample_writer(sample_ss, "");
int RC = stan::services::laplace_sample<true>(*model, theta_hat, draws, seed,
refresh, interrupt, logger,
EXPECT_EQ(stan::services::error_codes::DATAERR, RC);

TEST_F(ServicesLaplaceSample, nonPositiveDrawsError) {
Eigen::VectorXd theta_hat(2);
theta_hat << 2, 3;
int draws = 0;
unsigned int seed = 1234;
int refresh = 1;
std::stringstream sample_ss;
stan::callbacks::stream_writer sample_writer(sample_ss, "");
int RC = stan::services::laplace_sample<true>(*model, theta_hat, draws, seed,
refresh, interrupt, logger,
EXPECT_EQ(stan::services::error_codes::DATAERR, RC);