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Merge pull request #865 from SteveBronder/feature/map-data
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Use Eigen Maps for data and transformed data
  • Loading branch information
SteveBronder authored Apr 15, 2021
2 parents 8626779 + f5d8cee commit 5408944
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Showing 13 changed files with 2,505 additions and 2,162 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ pipeline {
cd performance-tests-cmdstan
cd cmdstan; make -j${env.PARALLEL} build; cd ..
cp ../bin/stanc cmdstan/bin/stanc
./ -j${env.PARALLEL} --runs=0 ../test/integration/good
./ -j7 --runs=0 ../test/integration/good
./ -j${env.PARALLEL} --runs=0 example-models
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/middle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ let rec dims_of st =
| SRowVector dim | SVector dim -> [dim]
| SInt | SReal -> []

let rec get_dims = function
let rec get_dims st =
match st with
| SInt | SReal -> []
| SVector d | SRowVector d -> [d]
| SMatrix (dim1, dim2) -> [dim1; dim2]
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/middle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,9 +133,8 @@ let rec is_autodiffable = function
let is_scalar_type = function UReal | UInt -> true | _ -> false
let is_int_type = function UInt | UArray UInt -> true | _ -> false

let is_eigen_type = function
| UVector | URowVector | UMatrix -> true
| _ -> false
let is_eigen_type ut =
match ut with UVector | URowVector | UMatrix -> true | _ -> false

let is_fun_type = function UFun _ -> true | _ -> false

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19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions src/stan_math_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ let pp_ctor ppf p =
match is_input_data with
| true ->
pp_validate_data ppf (decl_id, st) ;
pp_set_size ppf (decl_id, st, DataOnly, false)
| false -> pp_set_size ppf (decl_id, st, DataOnly, true) )
pp_assign_data ppf (decl_id, st, false)
| false -> pp_assign_data ppf (decl_id, st, true) )
| Unsized _ -> () )
| _ -> pp_statement ppf s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,14 +437,25 @@ let pp_ctor ppf p =
let rec top_level_decls Stmt.Fixed.({pattern; _}) =
match pattern with
| Decl d when d.decl_id <> "pos__" ->
[(d.decl_id, Type.to_unsized d.decl_type, UnsizedType.DataOnly)]
[(d.decl_id, Type.to_unsized d.decl_type)]
| SList stmts -> List.concat_map ~f:top_level_decls stmts
| _ -> []

(** Print the private data members of the model class *)
let pp_model_private ppf {Program.prepare_data; _} =
let data_decls = List.concat_map ~f:top_level_decls prepare_data in
pf ppf "%a" (list ~sep:cut pp_decl) data_decls
(*Filter out Any data that is not an Eigen matrix*)
let get_eigen_map (name, ut) =
if UnsizedType.is_eigen_type ut && not (Transform_Mir.is_opencl_var name)
then true
else false
let eigen_map_decls = (List.filter ~f:get_eigen_map) data_decls in
pf ppf "%a @ %a"
(list ~sep:cut pp_data_decl)
(list ~sep:cut pp_map_decl)

(** Print the signature and blocks of the model class methods.
@param ppf A pretty printer
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196 changes: 163 additions & 33 deletions src/stan_math_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,42 +21,128 @@ let rec contains_eigen (ut : UnsizedType.t) : bool =
| UMatrix | URowVector | UVector -> true
| UInt | UReal | UMathLibraryFunction | UFun _ -> false

let pp_set_size ppf (decl_id, st, adtype, (needs_filled : bool)) =
(* TODO: generate optimal adtypes for expressions and declarations *)
let real_nan =
match adtype with
| UnsizedType.AutoDiffable -> "DUMMY_VAR__"
| DataOnly -> "std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()"
(*Fill only needs to happen for containers
* Note: This should probably be moved into its own function as data
* does not need to be filled as we are promised user input data has the correct
* dimensions. Transformed data must be filled as incorrect slices could lead
* to elements of objects in transform data not being set by the user.
let pp_filler ppf (decl_id, st, nan_type, needs_filled) =
match (needs_filled, contains_eigen (SizedType.to_unsized st)) with
| true, true ->
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>stan::math::fill(%s, %s);@]@," decl_id nan_type
| _ -> ()

(*Pretty print a sized type*)
let pp_st ppf (st, adtype) =
pf ppf "%a" pp_unsizedtype_local (adtype, SizedType.to_unsized st)

let pp_ut ppf (ut, adtype) = pf ppf "%a" pp_unsizedtype_local (adtype, ut)

(*Get a string representing for the NaN type of the given type *)
let nan_type (st, adtype) =
match (adtype, st) with
| UnsizedType.AutoDiffable, _ -> "DUMMY_VAR__"
| DataOnly, _ -> "std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()"

(*Pretty printer for the right hand side of expressions to initialize objects.
* For scalar types this sets the value to NaN and for containers initializes the memory.
let rec pp_initialize ppf (st, adtype) =
let init_nan = nan_type (st, adtype) in
match st with
| SizedType.SInt -> pf ppf "std::numeric_limits<int>::min()"
| SReal -> pf ppf "%s" init_nan
| SVector d | SRowVector d -> pf ppf "%a(%a)" pp_st (st, adtype) pp_expr d
| SMatrix (d1, d2) ->
pf ppf "%a(%a, %a)" pp_st (st, adtype) pp_expr d1 pp_expr d2
| SArray (t, d) ->
pf ppf "%a(%a, %a)" pp_st (st, adtype) pp_expr d pp_initialize (t, adtype)

(*Initialize an object of a given size.*)
let pp_assign_sized ppf (decl_id, st, adtype) =
let init_nan = nan_type (st, adtype) in
let pp_assign ppf (decl_id, st, adtype) =
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s = %a;@]@," decl_id pp_initialize (st, adtype)
let rec pp_size_ctor ppf st =
let pp_st ppf st =
pf ppf "%a" pp_unsizedtype_local (adtype, SizedType.to_unsized st)
pf ppf "@[%a%a@]@," pp_assign (decl_id, st, adtype) pp_filler
(decl_id, st, init_nan, true)

let%expect_test "set size mat array" =
let int = in
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_assign_sized
("d", SArray (SArray (SMatrix (int 2, int 3), int 4), int 5), DataOnly)
|> print_endline ;
d = std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>>(5, std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>(4, Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>(2, 3)));
stan::math::fill(d, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); |}]

(* Initialize Data and Transformed Data
* This function is used in the model's constructor to
* 1. Initialize memory for the data and transformed data
* 2. If an Eigen type, place that memory into the class's Map
* 3. Set the initial values of that data to NaN.
* @param ppf A pretty printer
* @param decl_id The name of the model class member
* @param st The type of the class member
let pp_assign_data ppf
((decl_id, st, needs_filled) : string * Expr.Typed.t SizedType.t * bool) =
let init_nan = nan_type (st, DataOnly) in
let pp_assign ppf (decl_id, st) =
match st with
| SizedType.SInt -> pf ppf "std::numeric_limits<int>::min()"
| SReal -> pf ppf "%s" real_nan
| SVector d | SRowVector d -> pf ppf "%a(%a)" pp_st st pp_expr d
| SMatrix (d1, d2) -> pf ppf "%a(%a, %a)" pp_st st pp_expr d1 pp_expr d2
| SArray (t, d) -> pf ppf "%a(%a, %a)" pp_st st pp_expr d pp_size_ctor t
| SizedType.SVector _ | SRowVector _ | SMatrix _ ->
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s__ = %a;@]@," decl_id pp_initialize (st, DataOnly)
| SInt | SReal | SArray _ ->
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>%s = %a;@]@," decl_id pp_initialize (st, DataOnly)
let print_fill ppf st =
match (contains_eigen (SizedType.to_unsized st), needs_filled) with
| true, true -> pf ppf "stan::math::fill(%s, %s);" decl_id real_nan
| _, _ -> ()
let pp_placement_new ppf (decl_id, st) =
match st with
| SizedType.SVector d | SRowVector d ->
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>new (&%s) Eigen::Map<%a>(, %a);@]@,"
decl_id pp_st (st, DataOnly) decl_id pp_expr d
| SMatrix (d1, d2) ->
pf ppf "@[<hov 2>new (&%s) Eigen::Map<%a>(, %a, %a);@]@,"
decl_id pp_st (st, DataOnly) decl_id pp_expr d1 pp_expr d2
| _ -> ()
pf ppf "@[<hov 0>%s = %a;@,%a @]@," decl_id pp_size_ctor st print_fill st
pf ppf "@[%a%a%a@]@," pp_assign (decl_id, st) pp_placement_new (decl_id, st)
(decl_id, st, init_nan, needs_filled)

let%expect_test "set size mat array" =
let%expect_test "set size map int array" =
let int = in
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_set_size
( "d"
, SArray (SArray (SMatrix (int 2, int 3), int 4), int 5)
, DataOnly
, false )
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_assign_data
("darrmat", SArray (SArray (SInt, int 4), int 5), false)
|> print_endline ;
d = std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>>(5, std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>(4, Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>(2, 3))); |}]
darrmat = std::vector<std::vector<int>>(5, std::vector<int>(4, std::numeric_limits<int>::min())); |}]

let%expect_test "set size map mat array" =
let int = in
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_assign_data
("darrmat", SArray (SArray (SMatrix (int 2, int 3), int 4), int 5), true)
|> print_endline ;
darrmat = std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>>(5, std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>(4, Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>(2, 3)));
stan::math::fill(darrmat, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); |}]

let%expect_test "set size map mat" =
let int = in
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_assign_data ("dmat", SMatrix (int 2, int 3), false)
|> print_endline ;
dmat__ = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>(2, 3);
new (&dmat) Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, -1>>(, 2, 3); |}]

let%expect_test "set size map int" =
strf "@[<v>%a@]" pp_assign_data ("dint", SInt, true) |> print_endline ;
[%expect {|
dint = std::numeric_limits<int>::min(); |}]

(** [pp_for_loop ppf (loopvar, lower, upper, pp_body, body)] tries to
pretty print a for-loop from lower to upper given some loopvar.*)
Expand All @@ -70,7 +156,51 @@ let rec integer_el_type = function
| SInt -> true
| SArray (st, _) -> integer_el_type st

let pp_decl ppf (vident, ut, adtype) =
(* Print the private members of the model class
* Accounting for types that can be moved to OpenCL.
* @param ppf A formatter
* @param vident name of the private member.
* @param ut The unsized type to print.
let pp_data_decl ppf (vident, ut) =
let opencl_check = (Transform_Mir.is_opencl_var vident, ut) in
let pp_type =
match opencl_check with
| _, UnsizedType.(UInt | UReal) | false, _ -> pp_unsizedtype_local
| true, UArray UInt -> fun ppf _ -> pf ppf "matrix_cl<int>"
| true, _ -> fun ppf _ -> pf ppf "matrix_cl<double>"
match (opencl_check, ut) with
| (false, _), ut -> (
match ut with
| UnsizedType.URowVector | UVector | UMatrix ->
pf ppf "%a %s__;" pp_type (DataOnly, ut) vident
| _ -> pf ppf "%a %s;" pp_type (DataOnly, ut) vident )
| (true, _), _ -> pf ppf "%a %s;" pp_type (DataOnly, ut) vident

(*Create strings representing maps of Eigen types*)
let pp_map_decl ppf (vident, ut) =
let scalar = local_scalar ut DataOnly in
match ut with
| UnsizedType.UInt | UReal -> ()
| UMatrix ->
pf ppf "Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<%s, -1, -1>> %s{nullptr, 0, 0};" scalar
| URowVector ->
pf ppf "Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<%s, 1, -1>> %s{nullptr, 0};" scalar
| UVector ->
pf ppf "Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<%s, -1, 1>> %s{nullptr, 0};" scalar
| x ->
"Error during Map data construction for " vident " of type "
(x : UnsizedType.t)
". This should never happen, if you see this please file a bug \

let pp_unsized_decl ppf (vident, ut, adtype) =
let pp_type =
match (Transform_Mir.is_opencl_var vident, ut) with
| _, UnsizedType.(UInt | UReal) | false, _ -> pp_unsizedtype_local
Expand All @@ -80,14 +210,14 @@ let pp_decl ppf (vident, ut, adtype) =
pf ppf "%a %s;" pp_type (adtype, ut) vident

let pp_sized_decl ppf (vident, st, adtype) =
pf ppf "%a@,%a" pp_decl
pf ppf "%a@,%a" pp_unsized_decl
(vident, SizedType.to_unsized st, adtype)
pp_set_size (vident, st, adtype, true)
pp_assign_sized (vident, st, adtype)

let pp_possibly_sized_decl ppf (vident, pst, adtype) =
let pp_decl ppf (vident, pst, adtype) =
match pst with
| Type.Sized st -> pp_sized_decl ppf (vident, st, adtype)
| Unsized ut -> pp_decl ppf (vident, ut, adtype)
| Unsized ut -> pp_unsized_decl ppf (vident, ut, adtype)

let math_fn_translations = function
| Internal_fun.FnLength -> Some ("length", [])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +337,7 @@ let rec pp_statement (ppf : Format.formatter) Stmt.Fixed.({pattern; meta}) =
| Block ls -> pp_block ppf (pp_stmt_list, ls)
| SList ls -> pp_stmt_list ppf ls
| Decl {decl_adtype; decl_id; decl_type} ->
pp_possibly_sized_decl ppf (decl_id, decl_type, decl_adtype)
pp_decl ppf (decl_id, decl_type, decl_adtype)

and pp_block_s ppf body =
match body.pattern with
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions test/integration/cli-args/filename_good.expected
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ class filename_good_model final : public model_base_crtp<filename_good_model> {

double p;
double q;
double q;

~filename_good_model() { }
Expand All @@ -55,14 +56,14 @@ class filename_good_model final : public model_base_crtp<filename_good_model> {
(void) DUMMY_VAR__; // suppress unused var warning
try {
int pos__;
pos__ = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
pos__ = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();

pos__ = 1;
current_statement__ = 1;
p = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
p = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

current_statement__ = 2;
q = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
q = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

current_statement__ = 2;
q = (p + 5);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ class filename_good_model final : public model_base_crtp<filename_good_model> {

try {
int pos__;
pos__ = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
pos__ = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();

pos__ = 1;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
Expand Down

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