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Comments as a middleware for ASP.NET Core apps. Adds comments capabilities to your existing ASP.NET Core app.


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Easy to use Comments middleware for ASP.NET Core (compiled to netstandard1.6). Adds comments capability to existing ASP.NET Core applications, comments are stored locally in Sqlite database.


PM> Install-Package Comments
> dotnet add package Comments

Quick start

  1. Install nuget package Comments
  2. Add middleware to you application (in Configure method of Startup class)
  1. On page on which you would like to display comments add div (which will display comments):
<div id="comments-middleware"><div>
  1. Somewhere below on the same page add script:
<script src="/comments-middleware/loader.js"></script>

If your application/website is SPA, you can reload comments on page load with:


For configuration scroll down.

Source contains demo project which can be used as a sample to get you up and running.


Contributions are welcome. What needs to be done next is support for internationalization. After that support for other languages can be added.

Please note: If you are submitting pull request you are automatically dedicating any and all copyright interest to the public domain.


Configuration of the middleware is done during registration of the middleware. As an example following code sample sets maximum number of allowed characters when posting a comment.

app.UseComments(o =>
    o.CommentSourceMaxLength = 1000;

Following options are available:

Property Default value Description
int CommentSourceMaxLength 600 Maximum allowed character when posting comment.
bool LoadCss true Could be set to false, so you can load your own fancy CSS.
bool IncludeHashInUrl false Indicates whether hash part of the URL should be included in page URL when posting comments.
string BaseUrl "/comments-middleware" Base URL on which middleware responds, don't change this unless you really need to scratch that itch.
string SqliteDbFilePath "comments.sqlite" Location of the database file which stores comments. You possibly want to change this to full path of the file. File will be created if one does not already exists.
string NoCommentsTemplate "no comments" String indicating how to display zero comments count label.
string OneCommentTemplate "1 comment" String indicating how to display comments count label when there is only one comment.
string MoreThanOneCommentTemplate "{count} comments" Template that will be used to format label when there is more than one comment.
Func<int, string> CommentCountFormatter null Function that can be used to format label displaying comments count. If not null, previous three properties will never be used.
LoadJsDependenciesOptions LoadJsDependencies LoadJsDependenciesOptions.AutoDetect Comments middleware depends on knockout js library. This property indicates whether knockout should be automatically loaded or not.
Func<HttpContext, bool> IsUserAdminModeratorCheck (a) Function that is invoked when middleware needs to determine if logged in user is comments moderator.
bool RequireCommentApproval false If true, comment's will be visible only after approval of moderator.
bool IncludeQueryInUrl false If true query part of the URL will be used to detect page when loading and posting comments (You should almost always set this to false, or leave it intact)
bool DisplayPostCommentDivOnLoad true Indicated if post comment form should be automatically visible on page load, if not, user will have to click on label "Post comment" to see the form
MarkdownPipeline MarkdigPipeline null Pipeline of the Markdig markdown to HTML converted. Check Markdig project for details. By default, the most basic pipeline with disabled HTML is used.
Action<CommentModel> InformModerator null If not null, it will be called after comment is posted, so moderator can approve/delete comment. Developers could implement this action (send email, or whatever is desired to happen when comment is posted). If call is async, it will be called in fire and forget mode. Developer should manually handle exceptions in this action, calling code is not wrapping it in try block.

(a) = ctx => ctx.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated && ctx.User.IsInRole("commentsmod")


Comments as a middleware for ASP.NET Core apps. Adds comments capabilities to your existing ASP.NET Core app.








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