Administrative pages, tasks, and features
Login, registration, OAuth, profile pages
Clean ups, refactorings, and code improvements that don't fall under other categories
Content pages (about/research, about/get-almond, dev intro, etc.)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
The developer side of Thingpedia, logging, debugging, etc.
Documentation fixes and enhancements
New features, improved functionality or user experience
Bugs related to weak error handling
Pull requests that update Go code
Translation / internationalization issues
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Issues and enhancement related to crowdsourcing
We're working on it right now
We need to fix it (backlog)
Nice to have, not working on it for now
Issues related to performance and scaling
Ready for testing by original reporter
Security issues and reported vulnerabilities
The Thingpedia server, API, database, metadata spec, etc.
Automatic training, dataset generation and update