prometeo.sh: Script to run a calculation
Makefile.in: Basic definitions of compile time variablesprometeo.rg: Main tasks of the solver
prometeo_const.rg: Module that contains constants used by the solver
prometeo_macro.rg: Module that contains simple macros used by the solver
prometeo_init.rg: Module that contains initialization tasks
prometeo_grid.rg: Module that contains the tasks to generate the computational grid
prometeo_cfl.rg: Module that contains the tasks to compute the CFL number
prometeo_cfl.h: C header for the tasks to compute the CFL number
prometeo_cfl.hpp: C++ header for the tasks to compute the CFL number
prometeo_cfl.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks to compute the CFL number
prometeo_cfl.cu: CUDA implementations of the tasks to compute the CFL number
prometeo_chem.rg: Module that contains the tasks to advance chemistry
prometeo_chem.h: C header for the tasks that advance chemistry
prometeo_chem.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that advance chemistry
prometeo_chem.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that advance chemistry
prometeo_chem.cu: CUDA implementations of the tasks that advance chemistry
prometeo_bc.rg: Module that contains the tasks that handle boundary conditions
prometeo_bc_types.h: C header for the data types used in boundary condition tasks
prometeo_bc.h: C header for the tasks that handle boundary conditions
prometeo_bc.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that handle boundary conditions
prometeo_bc.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that handle boundary conditions
prometeo_bc.cu: CUDA implementations of the tasks that handle boundary conditions
prometeo_profiles.rg: Module that contains the tasks that handle external profiles provided to the solver
prometeo_rk.rg: Module that contains the tasks for Runge-Kutta algorithm
prometeo_stat.rg: Module that contains the tasks that extract integral quantities from the solution
prometeo_redop.inl: Inlined file containing the reduction operations used in the solver
prometeo_mixture.rg: Module that contains the tasks that initialize the mixure data structure
prometeo_mixture.h: C header for the tasks that initialize the mixure data structure
prometeo_mixture.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that initialize the mixure data structure
prometeo_mixture_wrappers.hpp: C++ header containing the declarations of the C wrappers of the methods contained in the mixture data structure
prometeo_mixture.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that initialize the mixure data structure
prometeo_mixture.cu: CUDA kernels of the tasks that initialize the mixure data structure
prometeo_sensor.rg: Module that contains the tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_sensor.h: C headers for the tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_sensor.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_sensor.inl: C++ implementations of the inlined tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_sensor.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_sensor.cu: CUDA kernels of the tasks that update the shock sensors
prometeo_rhs.rg: Module that contains the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_rhs.h: C header for the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_rhs.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_rhs.inl: C++ implementations of the inlined tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_rhs.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_rhs.cu: CUDA kernels of the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_partitioner.rg: Module that contains the tasks to perform the partitioning of the fluid region
prometeo_operators.rg: Module that contains the tasks corresponding to some differential operators
prometeo_variables.rg: Module that contains the tasks that compute auxiliary variables from the unknowns and the other way around
prometeo_variables.h: C header for the tasks that compute auxiliary variables from the unknowns and the other way around
prometeo_variables.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that compute auxiliary variables from the unknowns and the other way around
prometeo_variables.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that compute auxiliary variables from the unknowns and the other way around
prometeo_variables.cu: CUDA kernels of the tasks that compute auxiliary variables from the unknowns and the other way around
prometeo_IO.rg: Module that contains the tasks that perform I/O operations
prometeo_probe.rg: Module that contains the tasks to perform the time probes of the solution
prometeo_average_types.h: C header that contains the data types for the tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.rg: Module that contains the tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.h: C header for the tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.inl: C++ implementations of the inlined functions that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.cc: C++ implementations of tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_average.cu: CUDA implementations of tasks that perform space and time averages of the solution
prometeo_metric.rg: Module that contains the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric.h: C header for the tasks that operate on the right-hand side of the equations
prometeo_metric.hpp: C++ header for the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric.inl: C++ implementations of the inlined functions that compute and apply the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks that compute and apply the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric.cu: CUDA kernels of the tasks that compute and apply the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric_coeffs.h: C header that declares the constant coefficients for the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric_coeffs.cc: C++ sources that define the constant coefficients for the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric_coeffs.cu: CUDA sources that define the constant coefficients for the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_metric_coeffs_macros.h: C header that contains helper macros for definition of the constant coefficients for the tasks that compute the metric of the solver
prometeo_electricField.rg: Module that contains the tasks to update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_electricField.h: C header for the tasks to update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_electricField.hpp: C++ header for the tasks to update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_electricField.inl: C++ implementations of the inlined function that update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_electricField.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks to update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_electricField.cu: CUDA implementations of the tasks to update the electric field and ion wind
prometeo_laser.rg: Module containing tasks for the laser model prometeo_mapper.h prometeo_mapper.cc: Source files for the mapper of the solver
desugar.py: Script that substitutes some macros used for metaprogramming
Makefile: Builds the solver
json.h json.c: Source files to interpret*.json
config_schema.lua: Lua file describing the fields of the input file
process_schema.rg: Interpreter for config_schema.lua
util.rg : Various Regent tasks and Lua functions deployed throughout the solver
hdf_helper.rg: Scripts to read and write HDF5 files
Utilsconstants.h: Definition of main physical and math constants used in the sover
my_array.hpp: Definition of array and matrix data types
task_helper.hpp: Utilities for task registration
PointDomain_helper.hpp: Utilities for point and domains
cuda_utils.hpp: Utilities for CUDA kernels
cuda_utils.cu: Utilities for CUDA kernels
math_utils.h: Definition of data types for basic mathematical operations deployed in the solver
math_utils.rg: Regent implementation of basic mathematical operations deployed in the solver
math_utils.hpp: C++ implementations of basic mathematical operations deployed in the solverPoisson.rg: Module that contains the the tasks of the Poisson solver
Poisson.h: C header for the tasks of the Poisson solver
Poisson.hpp: C++ header for the tasks of the Poisson solver
Poisson.cc: C++ implementations of the tasks of the Poisson solver
Poisson.cu: CUDA implementations of the tasks of the Poisson solverReaction.hpp: C++ declarations of the data structures related to chemical reactions
Reaction.inl: C++ implementations of the functions related to chemical reactions
Species.hpp: C++ declarations of the data structures related to chemical species
Species.inl: C++ implementations of the functions related to chemical species
MultiComponent.hpp: C++ declarations for multicomponent mixtures
MultiComponent.inl: C++ implementations of the functions related to a multicomponent mixture
ConstPropMix.hpp: C++ declarations for the data structure describing a calorically perfect gas
ConstPropMix.inl: C++ implementations of the data structure describing a calorically perfect gas
IsentropicMix.hpp: C++ declarations for the data structure describing an isoentropic calorically perfect gas
IsentropicMix.inl: C++ implementations of the data structure describing an isoentropic calorically perfect gas
AirMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks of a non-equilibrium dissociating air
CH41StMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing single step combustion mechanism for CH4
CH4_30SpMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing Lu and Law (2008) combustion mechanism for CH4
FFCM1Mix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing FFCM1 mechanism, (https://web.stanford.edu/group/haiwanglab/FFCM1/)
CH4_26SpIonsMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing 26 species combustion mechanism for CH4 with ions
BoivinMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing 9 species combustion mechanism for H2 from Boivin et al. PCI 2011
H2_UCSDMix.hpp: C++ headers for the tasks and data structures describing UCSD 9 species combustion mechanism for H2 (Saxena & Williams (2006) CnF 145))blacklist: Folder containing potential blacklists of nodes that should not be used
run.sh: Script called by prometeo.sh to generate the execution command (modify this script using the provided templates to add a new machine)
jobscript_shared.sh: Script called by run.sh
yellowstone.slurm: Submission script for Yellowstone (@ Stanford) (use as a template script for slurm system)
armstrong.slurm: Submission script for Armstrong (@ Stanford) (use as a template script for slurm system)
quartz.slurm: Submission script for Quartz (@ LLNL) (use as a template script for slurm system)
lassen.lsf: Submission script for Lassen (@ LLNL) (use as a template script for IBM Spectrum LSF system)
m100.slurm: Submission script for Marconi100 (@ Cineca) (use as a template script for slurm system)
kraken.slurm: Submission script for Kraken (@ CERFACS)viz_fluid.py: Script to produce Xdmf files for visualization
compare_hdf.py: Script to compare two HDF5 files
merge.py: Script to merge multiple HDF5 files into a single file
makeVirtualLayout.py: Script to merge multiple HDF5 files into a single file using a virtual layout
interpolate.py: Script to interpolate a solution on a new grid
convert_output_for_viz.py: Script that automates the production of visualization files for multiple snapshots
modules/: Various utility modules used by the python scriptsREADME.md: Instructions on how to run the provided testcases
SodProblem/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Sod's shock tube
LaxProblem/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Lax's shock tube
ShuOsherProblem/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Shu-Osher's shock tube
GrossmanCinnellaProblem/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Grossman-Cinnella's shock tube
Blasius/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run an incompressible boundary layer
CompressibleBL/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run a compressible boundary layer
RecycleBoundary/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run a compressible boundary layer with recycle-rescaling boundary condition
VortexAdvection2D/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the inviscid vortex advection
TaylorGreen2D/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the 2D Taylor-Green vortex
Coleman/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Coleman's channel flow
Sciacovelli/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Sciacovelli's channel flow
Speelman/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the burner stabilized flame in Speelman et al. (2015) with an applied difference of potential of 250 V
Speelman_DV250/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the burner stabilized flame in Speelman et al. (2015) with an applied difference of potential of 250 V
Franko/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Franko's boundary layer
MultispeciesTBL/: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run Multispecies hypersonic boundary layer
scalingTest/WeakScaling: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the weak scaling test scalingTest/StrongScaling: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the strong scaling test scalingTest/LFHF: Contains the setup and postporcessing files needed to run the scaling test of an ensamble run with high-fidelity and low-fidelity samplescflTest/: Contains the unit test for the cfl module
chemTest/: Contains the unit test for the chemistry module
configTest/: Contains the unit test for the config schema module
geometryTest/: Contains the unit test for the geometry module
hdfTest/: Contains the unit test for the hdf helper module
laserTest/: Contains the unit test for the laser model mathUtilsTest/: Contains the unit test for the mathUtils module
metricTest/: Contains the unit test for the metric module
mixTest/: Contains the unit test for the mixture modules
variablesTest/: Contains the unit test for the variables module
probeTest/: Contains the unit test for the probe module
averageTest/: Contains the unit test for the average moduleVortexAdvection2D/: Contains the solver test for the bi-periodic 2D inviscid testcase
3DPeriodic/: Contains the solver test for the tri-periodic 3D testcase
3DPeriodic_Air/: Contains the solver test for the tri-periodic 3D testcase with AirMix
3DPeriodic_SkewSymmetric/: Contains the solver test for the tri-periodic 3D testcase with the skew symmetric scheme
3DPeriodic_TENOA/: Contains the solver test for the tri-periodic 3D testcase with the TENO-A scheme
3DPeriodic_TENOLAD/: Contains the solver test for the tri-periodic 3D testcase with the TENO-LAD scheme
ChannelFlow/: Contains the solver test for the bi-periodic ChannelFlow testcase
BoundaryLayer/: Contains the solver test for a compressible boundary layer
RecycleBoundary/: Contains the solver test for a compressible boundary layer with recycle/rescaling BC
M2_Re4736/: Contains the solver test for a compressible boundary layer at Mach=2 and Re=4736 with recycle-rescaling boundary condition
PlanarJet/: Contains the solver test for a compressible jet of methane in air
ShockTube/: Contains the solver test for the Shu-Osher's shock tube
Speelman_DV250/: Contains the solver test for the burner stabilized flame in Speelman et al. (2015) with a voltage of 250 V (requiresELECTRIC_FIELD=1
See below for instructions targeting specific systems.
- Legion (latest version)
- GCC 6.0+
- CUDA 9.0+
- Python 3.X
The following are automatically installed during Legion installation:
- LLVM 13
- GASNET (custom version)
- Terra 1.0.3
- HDF5 (any recent version)
An ion wind solver for charged species activated by the environment variable ELECTRIC_FIELD
This module requires FFTW (>=3.3.6) libraries built with the --enable-threads option.
Normally you'd need to edit file ~/.bashrc
. Replace the ???
depending on your system.
# Module loads (if necessary)
# Build config (if necessary, for Legion or Prometeo)
# Path setup (mandatory)
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
[export SCRATCH=???]
# Optional modules
# CUDA config (if using CUDA code generation)
export CUDA_HOME=???
export CUDA="$CUDA_HOME"
export GPU_ARCH=???
# FFTW config (if using electric field solver)
export FFTW_HOME=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=?
export USE_OPENMP=?
export USE_GASNET=?
export USE_HDF=?
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
Replace the ?
depending on your system's capabilities.
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
See Elliott's instructions for more help.
NOTE: This step may take up to 2 hrs depending on the system
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
./prometeo.sh ...
The src/prometeo.sh script accepts some options through the environment (see the top of that file for details), and forwards all command-line arguments to the HTR solver executable and the Legion runtime (each will ignore options it doesn't recognize).
Currently, the solver reads the following options:
-i <config>.json
: Provide a case configuration file, to be run as an additional sample. See src/config_schema.lua for documentation on the available options (Config
struct).-o <out_dir>
: Specify an output directory for the executable (default is current directory).-lp <config>.json
: Provide a case configuration file to be run as an additional low-priority sample. Low-priority samples are limited to using CPUs only. See src/config_schema.lua for documentation on the available options (Config
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=0
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
USE_CUDA=0 make
# Build config
export INCLUDE_PATH="$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)/usr/include:$INCLUDE_PATH"
export CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11"
# Path setup
export LLVM_DIR=???
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=0
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
mkdir $LEGION_DIR/language/hdf
cd $LEGION_DIR/language/hdf
curl http://sapling.stanford.edu/~manolis/hdf/hdf5-1.10.1.tar.gz --out hdf5-1.10.1.tar.gz
tar -xvf hdf5-1.10.1.tar.gz
cd hdf5-1.10.1
./configure --prefix=$HDF_ROOT --enable-threadsafe --disable-hl
make -j
make install
mkdir $LLVM_DIR
curl -O https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-9.0.1/clang+llvm-9.0.1-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
tar xfJ clang+llvm-9.0.1-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
CXXFLAGS='-std=c++11' $LEGION_DIR/language/install.py -j --no-clean
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
# Module loads
module load mpi/openmpi/4.1.0
module load slurm/20.11.4
# Build config
export CONDUIT=ibv
export CC=gcc-8
export CXX=g++-8
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
export SCRATCH=/scratch/oldhome/`whoami`
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
export GASNET_VERSION="GASNet-2020.3.0"
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
# Module loads
module load gnu7/7.3.0
module load openmpi3/3.1.0
module load pmix/2.2.2
module load cmake/3.15.4
# Build config
export CONDUIT=ibv
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
# Rest of compilation as normal
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
make -j
# Module loads
module load gnu7/7.3.0
module load cuda/11.1
module load openmpi3/3.1.0
module load pmix/2.2.2
module load cmake/3.15.4
# Build config
export CONDUIT=ibv
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
# CUDA config
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1
export CUDA="$CUDA_HOME"
export GPU_ARCH=maxwell
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=1
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
# Rest of compilation as normal
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
srun -p gpu-maxwell scripts/setup_env.py
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
srun -p gpu-maxwell make -j
# Module loads
module load gnu7/7.3.0
module load openmpi3/3.1.0
module load pmix/2.2.2
# Build config
export CONDUIT=ibv
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://gitlab.com/insieme1/htr/htr-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
# Rest of compilation as normal
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
make -j
# Module loads
module load gcc/6.1.0
module load openmpi/2.0.0
module load python
module load paraview/5.4
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
export SCRATCH=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
export GASNET_VERSION="GASNet-1.32.0"
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
# Module loads
module load gcc/7.3.1
module load cuda/11.1.1
module load cmake
module load python
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export CONDUIT=ibv
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
export SCRATCH=???
# CUDA config
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-11.1.1
export CUDA="$CUDA_HOME"
export GPU_ARCH=volta
export GROUP=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=1
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
lalloc 1 scripts/setup_env.py
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
lalloc 1 -W 120 make
# Module loads
module load gnu/7.3.1
module load openmpi-gnu/3.0
module load pmix214
module load python
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export CONDUIT=ibv
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
export SCRATCH=???
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
salloc -N1 --time=1:00:00 -p short --account=??? scripts/setup_env.py
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
salloc -N1 --time=1:00:00 -p short --account=??? make -j
# Module loads
module load profile/global
module load gnu/8.4.0
module load cuda/11.1
module load spectrum_mpi/10.4.0--binary
module load cmake
module load anaconda
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export CONDUIT=ibv
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=???
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=???
export SCRATCH=???
# CUDA config
export CUDA_HOME="/cineca/prod/opt/compilers/cuda/11.1/none"
export CUDA="$CUDA_HOME"
export GPU_ARCH=volta
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=1
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
export REALM_NETWORKS=gasnetex
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
make -j
# Module loads
module purge
module load compiler/gcc/8.3.0
module load mpi/openmpi/3.1.5_gcc83
module load nvidia/cuda/11.2
module load python/anaconda3.7
module load tools/cmake
# Build config
export CONDUIT=psm
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
# Path setup
export SCRATCH=/scratch/cfd/direnzo
export LEGION_DIR="$SCRATCH"/legion
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR="$SCRATCH"/htr
# CUDA config
export CUDA_HOME="/softs/nvidia/cuda-11.2"
export CUDA="$CUDA_HOME"
export GPU_ARCH=volta
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=1
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://github.com/stanfordhpccenter/HTR-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
make -j
# Module loads
module purge
module load gcc/7.5.0
module load openmpi/3.0.6-gnu-7.5.0
module load cmake/3.20.3
# Build config
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export CONDUIT=psm
# Path setup
export LEGION_DIR=$HOME/legion
export HDF_ROOT="$LEGION_DIR"/language/hdf/install
export HTR_DIR=$HOME/htr
export SCRATCH=/scratch/$USER
# Legion setup
export USE_CUDA=0
export USE_OPENMP=1
export USE_GASNET=1
export USE_HDF=1
export MAX_DIM=3
export GASNET_VERSION="GASNet-1.32.0"
git clone -b HTR-1.4 https://gitlab.com/mario.direnzo/legion.git "$LEGION_DIR"
git clone https://gitlab.com/insieme1/htr/htr-solver.git "$HTR_DIR"
cd "$LEGION_DIR"/language
srun -p parallel --cpu-bind=none --mpi=pmi2 -N 1 --exclusive scripts/setup_env.py
cd "$HTR_DIR"/src
srun -p parallel --cpu-bind=none --mpi=pmi2 -N 1 --exclusive make -j