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Linux config dotfiles for easier setup.

Clone this repo into ~/.dotfiles, and make symlinks to the configs with ./

The Shortcuts

Make sure these are up to date!

The point of this is to make sure all of the shortcuts that I use (both default and custom) are consistent across the environments, to avoid confusion.

Universal Shell Shortcuts

Ctrl + d - Kill shell (but not when a process is running)
Ctrl + u - Clear line
Ctrl + r - Search history of commands by query in prompt
Ctrl + c - Stop program or prompt line
Ctrl + z - Suspend program (to go back, use fg command)
Ctrl + Shift + c - Copy selected text
Ctrl + Shift + v, Ctrl + v, Shift + Insert - Paste text


Ctrl + l, RightArrow - Autocomplete line


Ctrl + f - Search files and folders
Ctrl + Alt + l - Seach git log for the repo you’re currently in
Ctrl + Alt + s - Search git status for the repo you’re currently in
Ctrl + r - Search shell command history
Ctrl + Alt + v - Search shell variables
Ctrl + Alt + p - Search processes

Ctrl + v - Paste text (as fish-fzf allows for this if Search Shell Variables is unbound)


Ctrl + Shift + Space - Quick Access


Note that all of these should be in the zellij_forgot plugin config for the Ctrl + h shortcut

zj, zjls, zja, zjk, zjka, zjda - Fish shell aliases

Ctrl + x - Help / Keybinds
Ctrl + g - Lock mode
Ctrl + p - Pane mode
-> h/j/k/l - Move between panes
-> n - New pane in the most suitable slot, in the tab or floating, depending
-> d, r - New pane downwards or to the right
-> x - Close pane
-> c - Rename pane
-> f - Fullscreen pane
-> z - Toggle pane frames (to show borders and names)
-> w - Toggle floating mode, and make a new pane there if there isn't any
-> e - Embed floating pane into the tab, or eject a pane to floating state
-> p - Cycle through panes
Ctrl + t - Tab mode
-> n - New tab
-> x - Close tab
-> r - Rename tab
-> b - Break current pane into new tab
-> s - Toggle synced tab (all input will be the same on all panes of the tab)
-> Tab - Cycle through tabs (kinda?)
Ctrl + n - Resize mode
-> +/- - Increase / decrease the size of the pane
-> h/j/k/l - Resize the pane in a direction
Ctrl + e - Panel move mode
Ctrl + a - Scroll, Search & Copy to editor mode
-> k/j, PgUp/PgDn, u,d - Scroll up / down
-> e - Open scrollback in the default editor
-> s - Search, with n and p moving between them, c toggling case sensitivity and w toggling wrapping when going through results
Ctrl + y - Session mode
-> d - Detach session
-> w - Session manager

Alt + h/j/k/l - Move between panes (and tabs)
Alt + +(=)/- - Increase / decrease the size of the pane

Note that the tmux mode is unbound, as I don't need it.
Also don't need the Ctrl + q to quit, since I have Ctrl + d.


Note that I use the word tab, and not window.

t, ta, td, tls, tks - Fish shell aliases

Ctrl + a + Shift + i - Install plugins with tpm (make sure you git cloned tpm) Ctrl + a + r - Refresh config

Ctrl + t, Ctrl + a + t - New tab
Ctrl + a + v - Split vertically
Ctrl + a + h - Split horizontally
Alt + h/j/k/l, Alt + ArrowKeys, Ctrl + a + ArrowKeys (TTY) - Switch between panes
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn - Switch between tabs
Ctrl + a + (/) - Switch between sessions
Ctrl + a + {Number} - Switch to tab {Number}
Ctrl + a + f - Show pane numbers. You can switch to a specific pane with Ctrl + a + f + {Number}
Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right, Ctrl + a + {/} - Swap pane with previous/next position
Ctrl + a + Ctrl + ArrowKeys - Resize pane

Ctrl + a + d - Detach session and return to native terminal shell
Ctrl + a + e, Ctrl + d (kill shell only) - Kill pane
Ctrl + a + w - Kill tab
Ctrl + a + q - Kill session

Ctrl + a + : - Enter command mode
Ctrl + a + a - Tab overview
(there is no pane overview, so you'll have to expand the panes in the tree)
Ctrl + a + . + Number - Move tab to position {Number}
Ctrl + a + s - Rename session
Ctrl + a + x - Rename tab\

Ctrl + a + z - Fullscreen pane (zoom)
Ctrl + a + c - Big ass clock
Ctrl + a + ? - Show all commands, including your config changes\


Ctrl + c - A faster Esc
Ctrl + s - Save (and exit Insert, Visual or Command Mode)
Tab + , - Open config files location
Tab + f - Open Telescope file search
Tab + gr - Open Telescope live grep
Tab + b - Open Telescope buffer search
Tab + g + g - Open LazyGit
Tab + g + s - Open Telescope git status
Ctrl + n - Open integrated terminal

Ctrl + q - Save and close window (and/or quit NeoVim), same as :wq
Ctrl + w - Close buffer
Ctrl + h/j/k/l - Cycle between windows visible on the screen
Tab + s + h - Split horizontally
Tab + s + v - Split vertically
Space - Reset window sizes
Ctrl + ArrowKeys - Resize current window
Shift + j/k, Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn - (Normal Mode) Cycle between buffers for the current window
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn - Move buffers in cokeline
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn, Ctrl + Shift + j/k - Move buffers in bufferline

Shift + h/l - Go to beginning / end of line
Ctrl + / - Toggle comment
Ctrl + f - Format document
/ - Search (with Flash)
Ctrl + r - Search and replace
Space - Clear search highlighting
, - Flash jump
u, Shift + u - Undo and redo
Tab + a - Select all
Tab + p + s - Sync packages and TreeSitter parsers
Tab + t - Toggle TreeSitter highlighting
Tab + m - Markdown Preview
Tab + z - Zen Mode
Tab + c - Choose colorscheme
Tab + d - See LSP diagnostics
J/K - (Visual Mode) Move all selected lines up or down
Alt + d - Duplicate line
w, W - Move forward / backward by word
+, - - Increment / decrement number under cursor
Shift + p - Paste without changing the register
; + t/e/g/j/k/l/m/n - Telescope main menu (t), and search for emoji, gitmoji, julia, kaomoji, latex, math and Nerd Font symbols
gf - Go to file under cursor
gx - Open file or URL under cursor with system application

Tab - Codeium - Accept suggestion
Shift + Tab - Codeium - Insert Tab character regardless of suggestion
Alt + p - Codeium - Previous suggestion
Alt + n - Codeium - Next suggestion
Ctrl + ] - Codeium - Clear suggestion

Ctrl + j/k - Move up and down in Telescope and nvim-cmp (just like in fzf)

:cd - Change working directory for NeoVim
:e - Edit another file


Ctrl + b - Toggle file browser
a, o - Edit file structure
= - Apply changes
l - Go into or open file in new tab
q - Exit mini-files


Ctrl + p - Search files
Ctrl + Shift + p - Command palette
Ctrl + , - Settings
Ctrl + Shift + , - Settings JSON

Ctrl + t, Ctrl + n - New tab (new file)
Ctrl + Shift + n - New window
Ctrl + w - Close tab
Ctrl + q - Quit

Ctrl + b - Toggle sidebar
Ctrl + j - Toggle panel (with terminal)
Ctrl + Alt + b - Toggle Activity Bar (far left)
Ctrl + Alt + s - Toggle Status Bar (far bottom)
Ctrl + Shift + e - Focus on Explorer (or you can just Ctrl + p)
Ctrl + Shift + f - Focus on Search

Ctrl + k + Ctrl + t - Change theme
Ctrl + k + z - Zen mode
Ctrl + k + v - Markdown preview
Ctrl + k + s - Save without formatting
Ctrl + Up/Down - Scroll

Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn - Switch between tabs, through windows
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn - Move tab position in window
Ctrl + Alt + ArrowKeys - Move between windows
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ArrowKeys - Move tab beween windows
Ctrl + Number - Go to window {Number}
Ctrl + Tab - Alt-Tab between tabs (sucks ass)

Ctrl + =/-/0 - Zoom in/out/reset text
Ctrl + Shift + =/-/0 - Zoom in/out/reset UI


F2 - Rename anything
Ctrl + / - Toggle comment
Alt + Up/Down - Move line
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down, Alt + Shift + Up/Down, Alt + Click - Add more cursors
Ctrl + Space - Intellisense completion
Ctrl + x - Cut line

Running & Debugging

Ctrl + F5 - Run
F5 - Debug
F5 - Continue to the next breakpoint
Shift + F5 - Stop
Ctrl + Shift + F5 - Restart
F10 - Step over
F11 - Step into
Shift + F11 - Step out


Ctrl + i - Codeium command in editor
Ctrl + Alt + a - Codeium chat
Ctrl + Enter - Query with codebase (kinda borked)
Tab - Accept suggestion
Alt + [/] - Cycle suggestions


Ctrl + i - Phind chat
Ctrl + Shift + l - Phind search terminal output


Ctrl + , - Open settings
Ctrl + Alt + s - Status bar
Mouse Upwards, Ctrl + Alt + d - Address bar
Mouse Downwards, Ctrl + Space, Ctrl + F11 - Show UI
Mouse to the Right, Ctrl + Shift + b - Bookmark bar
Mouse to the Left, Alt + LeftArrow - Go back
Alt + RightArrow - Go forward
Ctrl + e, F2 - Command bar (make sure to be in a page that doesn’t override it)
Ctrl + b - Panel
Ctrl + j - Downloads

Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn - Switch between tabs
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn - Move tabs around

Ctrl + q - Cycle recently used tabs (Ctrl + Tab by default)
Ctrl + Shift + q - Cycle recently used tabs in reverse order (Ctrl + Shift + Tab by default)

Ctrl + t - New tab
Ctrl + w - Close tab
Ctrl + Shift + t - Reopen closed tab
Ctrl + n - New window
Ctrl + Shift + n - New incognito window

Vimium Extension

? - List of shortcuts

i - Insert Mode, or "Ignore Mode", as it ignores Vimium shortcuts and allows native site navigation
v - Visual Mode
c - Caret Mode when in Visual Mode, to move the cursor
Esc - Leave Mode

h/j/k/l, d, u, gg, G - Work how you’d expect

r - Reload the page
/, n, N - Search, working as expected

yy - Copy the URL

f, F - Opens anchor in the current/new tab (click and middle click)
o, O - Browser search (web search, tabs, bookmarks, history) and open in current/new tab

J, K - Go to tab left/right (Ctrl + PageUp/PageDown)
H, L - Go back/forward
^ - Jump to last used tab (like doing Ctrl + q in Vivaldi)

x - Close tab (Ctrl + w)
t - New tab (Ctrl + t)
T - Search tabs (T is like if o was filtered only for tabs)


Alt + Space, Alt + F2 - KRunner
Alt + F3 - Show KDE window menu (for when you're in Fullscreen or No Border)
Meta + Enter, Ctrl + Alt + t - Open Konsole
Meta + c - Resize window
Meta + v - Move window
Meta + b - Toggle window border
Ctrl + M, Ctrl + Shift + M - Toggle menubar in KDE apps
Meta + Number - Open an app from the task manager
Meta + w - Overview effect (on newer versions of Plasma)
Meta + d - Show desktop
Meta + ArrowKeys - Pin window to a side of the screen
Meta + PgUp - Maximize window
Meta + PgDn - Minimize window
Meta + Space - Switch keyboard layout

Ctrl + Alt + F2-F6 - TTY (F1 is always the standard GUI)
Ctrl + Meta + ArrowKeys - Move between virtual desktops
Meta + Tab - Alt-tab through virtual desktops
Ctrl + F8 - Virtual desktop grid
Ctrl + F{Number} - Go to virtual desktop {Number}
Ctrl + Alt + Esc - Run xkill to kill a process with a window


PauseBreak, Shift + PrtScr - Capture Current Monitor
Ctrl + Shift + PrtScr - Capture Window Under Cursor
Ctrl + PrtScr - Open Spectacle
PrtScr - Capture Rectangluar Region
To pin, export the rectangular region to qimgv and pin that window.


F2 - Rename
F4 - Open terminal inside of Dolphin
t, Shift + F4 - Open folder in terminal emulator
F9 - Toggle sidebar
F10 - New folder
Backspace - Go back
Ctrl + Backspace, Alt + Up - Go up
Ctrl + t - New tab
Ctrl + w - Close tab
Ctrl + h - Show hidden files (the ones starting with .)


Shift + ArrowUp/ArrowDown - Move up or down
Shift + PgUp/PgDown - Move up or down, but faster!
Shift + Home - Go to start
Shift + End - Go to end
Ctrl + Shift + f - Search
Ctrl + Shift + t - New tab
Ctrl + Shift + w - Close tab


Shift + ArrowUp/ArrowDown - Move up or down
Shift + PgUp/PgDown - Move up or down, but faster!
Shift + Home - Go to start
Shift + End - Go to end
Ctrl + Shift + f - Search
Ctrl + Shift + Space - Vi mode


Hold Shift when over a message to have more options.

Ctrl + / - Shortcut List
Alt + Up/Down - Go through channels
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down - Go through servers
Ctrl + T (or Ctrl + K) - Channel, Server or DM search (!!!)
Ctrl + F - Search
Ctrl + S - Stickers
Ctrl + G - Gifs
Ctrl + E - Emojis
Ctrl + Shift + M - Mute
Ctrl + Shift + D - Deafen


Meta + h/j/k/l - Move between windows
Meta + Space - Go through windows
Meta + Shift + h/j/k/l - Move windows around
Meta + Ctrl + h/j/k/l - Change size of window
Meta + n - Reset window sizes
Meta + Enter - Spawn terminal
Meta + f - Toggle floating for window
Meta + c, Meta + w, Alt + F4 - Kill window
Meta + Ctrl + r - Reload Qtile config
Meta + Shift + r - Restart Qtile
Meta + Ctrl + q - Shutdown Qtile
Meta + r - Open spawn prompt
Meta + Number - Go to group {Number}
Meta + Shift + Number - Move window to group {Number}
Meta + Shift + Enter - Toggle stack splitting for column layout

Meta + Tab - Go through groups
Alt + Tab - Go through windows


Just use ? and / to search for the thing you need.
Know that shortcuts are panel-based.
For more info, see the LazyGit Notion page.

Notable shortcuts :
+ - Zoom into the current pane, useful for diffs
@ - Command log options

qimgv Custom Shortcuts

s - Copy to special folder
u - Upscale using my upscaler
a - Convert to AVIF CRF 25
d - Convert to AVIF CRF 19
w - Convert to WEBP Q88 CL6
j - Convert to JXL EFF7 DIST1
b - Convert to JPEG
g - Convert to PNG


Alias set to music.

1-6 - Sorting criteria
a - Library, which includes browse, filter, tracks and play queue
Tab/Shift + Tab, u/o - Change window
-/= - Change volume
h/l - Previous/next track
t - All track search
/ - Global search
R - Rate track (MusikCube only, not file system)
r - Toggle repeat
w - Toggle shuffle
Alt + Enter - Context menu
Ctrl + r - Rescan library
? - Shortcuts
Ctrl + d - Quit


F11 - Toggle MangoHUD in a MangoHUD-attached game
F10 - Toggle FPS limit in a MangoHUD-attached game


Ctrl + p - Global search
Ctrl + \ - Sidebar
Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down - Move block up/down
Ctrl + e - Inline code
Ctrl + Shift + e - Inline equation
Ctrl + Shift + h - Color text
Ctrl + o - Voice dictation (very nice! it totally doesn't spy on you!)
Ctrl + j - Ask AI, inline


You can always open the keybinds menu and filter by assigned to see all of them.

Vim shortcuts only work in the editor.
Special pages won't have Vim mode loaded, so the shortcuts won't work.

Ctrl + , - Settings
Ctrl + Shift + i - Developer tools
Ctrl + r - Reload Obsidian

Ctrl + +/-/0 - Zoom UI in/out/reset
Ctrl + Scroll - Zoom font

Ctrl + p - Quick switcher (file browser)
Ctrl + Shift + p - Command palette
Ctrl + e - Reading mode
Ctrl + Hover - Link preview
Ctrl + ; - Add property to file

Alt + Enter - Open link under cursor in the current tab (if unpinned)
Ctrl + Enter - Open link under cursor in a new tab
Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn - Previous/next tab
Ctrl + g - Global graph view
Ctrl + Shift + g - Local graph view
Ctrl + k - Insert markdown link

Ctrl + f - Search file
Ctrl + Shift + r - Search and replace in file
Ctrl + Shift + f - Search whole vault

Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down - Move line up/down
Ctrl + Up/Down - Add multi-cursor up/down
Ctrl + / - Comment
Ctrl + l - Toggle checkbox status

Alt + Left/Right - Toggle left/right sidebar

(Vim) f - Jump to Link's flash jump (two characters needed)
Ctrl + ' - Jump to Link's link open
Unassigned - Jump to Link's regex search

Ctrl + h - Homepage

Ctrl + Num - Wrapper - Foreground coloring
Ctrl + Shift + Num - Wrapper - Background coloring
(TODO) Alt + Num - Wrapper - Special highlighting

(Vim) Backspace - Go back
(Vim) Shift + Backspace - Go forward

>> - Callout Suggestions


Linux config dotfiles for easier setup.







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