Both these scripts are meant to simplify the building of a demo stack for StackRox. With both you will get :
- DigitalOcean - VMs
- Ubuntu - OS
- K3s - Kubernetes
- Longhorn - Stateful storage
- Traefik - Ingress
- Jenkins - CI/CD
- Prometheus - Metrics
- Grafana - Graphing
- Openfaas - Serverless
- Graylog - Logging
- StackRox - Security
- Linkerd - Service Mesh
- KeyCloak - Authentication
- Harbor - Registry
- Code Server - Web IDE
Please pay attention to the variables at the stop of the scripts.
Any questions please feel free to create an issue or email me at
Specifically this script is designed to be as fast as possible. How about a recording?
This script is for a more production ready approach with Rancher and Ubuntu. - Needs to be updated. ;)