Pytorch model to Caffe & ncnn
- SqueezeNet from torchvision
- DenseNet from torchvision
- ResNet50 (with ceiling_mode=True)
- MobileNet
- AnimeGAN pretrained model from author (
- SSD-like object detection net(for ncnn)
- UNet (no pretrained model yet, just default initialization)
Mind the difference on ceil_mode of pooling layer among Pytorch and Caffe, ncnn
- You can convert Pytorch models with all pooling layer's ceil_mode=True.
- Or compile a custom version of Caffe/ncnn with floor() replaced by ceil() in pooling layer inference.
Python Errors: Use Pytorch 0.2.0 Only to Convert Your Model
- Higher version of pytorch 0.3.0, 0.3.1, 0.4.0 seemingly have blocked third party model conversion.
- Please note that you can still TRAIN your model on pytorch 0.3.0~0.4.0. The converter running on 0.2.0 could still load higher version models correctly.
Other Python packages requirements:
- to Caffe: numpy, protobuf (to gen caffe proto)
- to ncnn: numpy
- for testing Caffe result: pycaffe, cv2
Model Loading Error
Use compatible model saving & loading method, e.g.
# Saving, notice the difference on DataParallel net_for_saving = net.module if use_nn_DataParallel else net, path) # Loading net.load_state_dict(torch.load(path, map_location=lambda storge, loc: storage))