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How To Submit Your Homework

hkchang89 edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 14 revisions

You can edit this wiki page. Add a link to your repository.

I will git clone your URL to my laptop just after 11:59pm on Monday, October 21, 2013 (2013-10-21). If you asked me for an extension of time that I approved you MUST still check in a version of your code by the 11:59pm deadline and then you may continue working on it and then check in the final version by the extended deadline that you negotiated for your group.

Your repository should contain a with enough instructions for me to execute your code without me having to ask you for help! This means if you have extra software that needs to be installed (such as a specific version of R), then you will need to provide enough instructions for me to install those extra pieces of software into my environment.

Code Review for Tuesday, October 22, 2013 (2013-10-08)

Group 1

Repository URL:

Group 2

Repository URL: Group 2, Repository for homework-02

Group 3

Repository URL:

Group 4

Repository URL:

Group 5

Repository URL:

Group 6


Group 7

Repository URL:

Group 8

Repository URL:

Group 9

Repository URL: Group 9 Earthquakes Project Repository

Group 10

Repository URL:

Group 11

Repository URL: