This repository contains the scripts for generating the metadata database. It also includes a docker file that deploys the creates to a containerized Microsoft SQL Server. The hope is to eventually add data so that it can be used as a refrence database used for testing.
Make sure you have docker installed and working properly
From a command prompt run
git clone
to clone the repository
Change the directory so that you are located in the root of the colned repository and rund the command
docker build -t cnmm .
Start a instance of the newly created image
docker run -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e SA_PASSWORD=MyP@ssw0rd -p 1433:1433 -d cnmm
You should now be able to reach the database at localhost,1433 using the sa account and the password provided
The shell scripts used for deploying the database schema are inspired by (mssql-node-docker-demo-app)[]