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DataportalXML is a tool for generating RDF/XML-files based on the DCAT-AP-SE standard. Each file describes metadata for a specific database. The tool can be accessed by PxWeb as a admin-tool or with an API-request to PxWeb. A class named DcatSettings is used to configure the tool which is described down below.


BaseUri: The base URI that's used within the XML-file does not need to be an existing URL. E.g. "".

BaseApiUrl: Base URL for API-requests to a specific database. The final link will then be built out dynamically to {BaseApiUrl}/{Language}/{DBid}/{Path}. E.g. “” will for the table "BefolkningNy" result in the link: “”.

Languages: Languages that the metadata will be made avalable for. Given by a list of ISO 639-1 languages codes. E.g. {“sv”, “en”, “fi”} for the languages swedish, english and finnish.

CatalogTitles: A list of key value pairs in the form: {Language} => {Title}. E.g. ["sv": "Svensk titel", "en": "English title"].

CatalogDescriptions: A list of key value pairs in the form: {Language} => {Description}. E.g. ["sv": "Svensk beskrivning", "en": "English description"].

PublisherName: The name of the unit that is responsible for making the catalog available. E.g. "Statistics Sweden".

DatabaseType: The type of database, either "px" or "ssd".

DatabaseId: If the database is a CNMM-database the id of that database will be specified. E.g. "ssd". If the database is a PX-database a search path to the basenode will be specified. E.g. "C:/Databases/Example/Menu.xml"

LandingPageUrl: Base URL for start page to a specific database. The final link will then be built out dynamically to {BaseApiUrl}/{Language}/{DatabaseId}/{TableId}. E.g. “” the table "BefolkningNy" will result in the link: “”.

License: License that the data is made available for. DCAT-AP-SE version 2.0.0 E.g. “”.

ThemeMapping: The path to a JSON file describing the mapping of themes to Dcat-ap-se standard. E.g. “C:/temp/TMapping.json”. More about this.

OrganizationMapping: The path to a JSON file describing the mapping of organization names to their corresponding URL:s.

Mapping of themes

Dcat-ap-se has a specific standard for the partitioning of databases into themes DCAT-AP-SE version 2.0.0. Other standards may be used and themes must therefore be converted. The theme codes can vary between different databases and thus the mapping of themes must vary for different databases. The mapping is read from a JSON-fil with key-value pairs describing how each code should be converted. An example of a valid JSON file:

"AM": "SOCI",
"BE": "SOCI",
"BO": "SOCI",
"ME": "JUST",
"EN": "ENER",
"FM": "ECON",
"HA": "ECON",
"HE": "ECON",
"HS": "HEAL",
"JO": "AGRI",
"KU": "EDUC",
"LE": "SOCI",
"MI": "ENVI",
"NR": "ECON",
"NV": "ECON",
"OE": "GOVE",
"PR": "ECON",
"SO": "SOCI",
"TK": "TRAN",
"UF": "EDUC",
"AA": "SOCI"

If DataportalXML is used through PxWeb the json-file under "/PxWeb/PxWeb/TMapping.json" will be used. If a PX database is used where TMapping.json exists in the root directory of the database, this file will be used insted. Example: If the PX database Example is used and "PxWeb\PXWeb\Resources\PX\Databases\Example\TMapping.json" does exist, this mapping will be used. If it does not exist the mapping "\PxWeb\PXWeb\TMapping.json" will be used instead.

PxWeb Admin

DataportalXML kan be reached as a tool under the PxWeb admin pages.


Choose a database and fill in the settings corresponding to DcatSettings. Use the generate button to generate the RDF/XML file, it will be saved under the database folder, E.g. "Databases/Example/dcat-ap.xml". The settings can be saved by utilising the save button.


DataportalXML can be reached with a POST api request to "/api/admin/v1/dcat".

DcatSettings should be declared in the body as a json-document, the format should be as the following example declares:

{ "DatabaseType": "px", "Database": "example", "BaseUri": "", "License": "", "BaseApiUrl": "", "LandingPageUrl": "", "Publisher": "SCB", "Languages": ["sv", "en"], "LanguageSpecificSettings": [ { "Language": "sv", "CatalogTitle": "Svensk titel", "CatalogDescription": "Svensk beskrivning" }, { "Language": "en", "CatalogTitle": "English title", "CatalogDescription": "English description" } ] }

A valid request will result in the RDF/XML being created under the corresponding database folder, E.g. "Databases/Example/dcat-ap.xml".