grpc-wiremock is a mock server for GRPC services implemented as a wrapper around the WireMock http server.
grpc-wiremock starts a grpc server generated based on provided proto files which will convert a proto grpc request to JSON and redirects it as a POST request to the WireMock then converts a http response back to grpc proto format.
- GRPC server works on
- WireMock server works on
- Run
docker run -p 8888:8888 -p 50000:50000 -v $(pwd)/example/proto:/proto -v $(pwd)/example/wiremock:/wiremock javiyt/grpc-wiremock
- Stub
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/__admin/mappings \
-d '{
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/BalanceService/getUserBalance",
"bodyPatterns" : [ {
"equalToJson" : { "id": "1", "currency": "EUR" }
} ]
"response": {
"status": 200,
"jsonBody": {
"balance": {
"amount": { "value": { "decimal" : "100.0" }, "value_present": true },
"currency": { "value": "EUR", "value_present": true }
- Check
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"id": 1, "currency": "EUR"}' localhost:50000 api.wallet.BalanceService/getUserBalance
Should get response:
"balance": {
"amount": {
"value": {
"decimal": "100.0"
"value_present": true
"currency": {
"value": "EUR",
"value_present": true
Stubbing should be done via WireMock JSON API
- Change grpc server properties
Currently, following grpc server properties are supported*:
*The first two are deprecated in favor of the last two
Could be used like this:
docker run -e GRPC_SERVER_MAXHEADERLISTSIZE=1000 adven27/grpc-wiremock
- Speed up container start
In case you don't need to change proto files, you can build your own image with precompiled protos.
See an example
- Use in load testing
To increase performance some Wiremock related options may be tuned either directly or by enabling the "load" profile. Next to commands are identical:
docker run -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=load adven27/grpc-wiremock
docker run \
When testing errors from the server side you can set up your stubs taking into account the following equivalences table:
HTTP Status Code | gRPC Status Code |
400 Bad Request | INTERNAL |
401 Unauthorized | UNAUTHENTICATED |
403 Forbidden | PERMISSION_DENIED |
404 Not Found | UNIMPLEMENTED |
429 Too Many Requests | UNAVAILABLE |
502 Bad Gateway | UNAVAILABLE |
503 Service Unavailable | UNAVAILABLE |
504 Gateway Timeout | UNAVAILABLE |
All other codes | UNKNOWN |
Extracted from HTTP to gRPC Status Code Mapping
Example stub:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/__admin/mappings \
-d '{
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/BalanceService/getUserBalance",
"bodyPatterns" : [ {
"equalToJson" : { "id": "1", "currency": "EUR" }
} ]
"response": {
"status": 403,
"body": "you can't access here"
The response you will get when running the gRPC query is:
"error": "7 PERMISSION_DENIED: "