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CuteNetwork 1.3.0

CuteNetwork is networking code built on top of urlSession.
If you've ever used Moya, which wraps Alamofire, we were inspired by that library. Try out the cute little request 🐣.

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.3.0"))


First, we need to create an enumeration:

enum WhatIsEndPoint: EndPointType {
    var baseURL: URL
    var path: String
    var httpMethod: HTTPMethod
    var task: HTTPTask
    var headers: HTTPHeaders?

If you populate the enumeration with details, it will look like this:

enum WhatIsEndPoint: EndPointType {
    case getPosts
    case getSinglePost(Int)
    var baseURL: URL {
        return URL(string: "")!
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .getPosts:
            return "/posts"
        case .getSinglePost(let id):
            return "posts/\(id)"
    var httpMethod: HTTPMethod {
        return .get
    var task: HTTPTask {
        // There are three requests:

        // request is used to just get a value (GET)
        return .request

        // requestParameters is the request containing the parameters.
        // Depending on the value of bodyEncoding, values other than those that apply can be ignored by putting nil.
        return .requestParameters(bodyParameters: Parameters?,
                                  bodyEncoding: ParameterEncoding,
                                  urlParameters: Parameters?)

        // In additionHeaders, you can add header values.
        // Similarly, if you want to set it in `var headers: HTTPHeaders?`,
        // you can set the value of `additionHeaders` to nil.
        return .requestParametersAndHeaders(bodyParameters: Parameters?,
                                            bodyEncoding: ParameterEncoding,
                                            urlParameters: Parameters?,
                                            additionHeaders: HTTPHeaders?)

        // This case is available when uploading images.
        return .upload
    var headers: HTTPHeaders? {
        return ["Content-Type": "application/json"]

It's simple to use. Like this!

// Just put in the enumeration you created earlier and set the type to be decoded and you're done.
let cute = Cute<MyEndPoint>()

do {
    let result: PlaceholderDTO = try await cute.petit(.getSinglePost(3))
    print("result is \(result)")
} catch {
    switch error as? NetworkError {
    case .parsingError:
// Error handling can also be received as any enumeration so that it can be handled by the usage. <br>
// If it's a clearly expected error, you can simply default the rest. that's it!
// A description of this package.