Online flag pole
The index page will show the flag according to the Dutch flag instructions
On /create
a custom combination of assets can be picked together and send to a friend with a personal message.
This custom set will be displayed on the /view
page, which will decode the payload and display its contents.
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost
$ npm run dev
It is recommended to develop this project with netlify dev
command from Netlify cli package.
This enables you to also run the (AWS Lambda) functions locally. Which makes development a breeze.
This project is set up as a JAM stack. So to deploy to production, the static assets will need to be built.
# generate static project and compile functions
$ npm run generate
The results will by default be exposed in /dist
and the functions in /functions-dist
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.