ESDB is the API server for GGTracker. It is also involved in replay processing.
The other codebases used in GGTracker are:
- <-- the web server and HTML/CSS/Javascript for the site
- <-- the replay-parsing python server, included by ESDB as a git submodule
- <-- little gem for accessing ESDB, used by the ggtracker codebase
- Ruby 1.9+ (get RVM:
- Bundler 1.2.0+ (gem install bundler --pre)
- Memcached
- Redis
- Curl
- imagemagick (
- An Amazon S3 account
On Mac OSX, you can use homebrew as package manager:
- Run Bundler (
) - Copy and adjust database configuration (
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
) - Create the database esdb needs, and the test database (
mysql -u root
and thencreate database esdb_development; create database esdb_test
and thenquit
) - Copy S3 configuration and put your AWS credentials and bucket names in it (
cp config/s3.yml.example config/s3.yml
) - Copy fog configuration and put your AWS credentials and bucket names in it (
cp config/fog.rb.example config/fog.rb
) - Copy and adjust redis configuration (
cp config/redis.yml.example config/redis.yml
) - Copy and adjust esdb configuration (
cp config/esdb.yml.example config/esdb.yml
) - Copy tokens configuration (
cp config/tokens.yml.example config/tokens.yml
) - Run migrations:
bundle exec sequel -m db/migrations -e development config/database.yml
- Import the data needed for Spending Skill:
cat db/replays_sq_skill_stat.sql | mysql -u root -D esdb_development
- Set up an API identity for the ggtracker web server:
cat db/ggtracker_provider.sql | mysql -u root -D esdb_development
- Initialize the ggpyjobs submodule with
rake py:init
- Run migrations on test:
bundle exec sequel -m db/migrations -e test config/database.yml
- Verify your install with rspec
bundle exec rspec
foreman start
Then open your browser to http://localhost:9292/ If you see "Hello World!" then the ESDB server is running, congrats!
Next try opening this URL: http://localhost:9292/api/v1/spending_skill/am/protoss If you get a bunch of JSON spending skill data, then it really is working.
Next is to try uploading a replay; for that, you'll need to install the ggtracker webserver on your dev box.
If you run into any problems, please let me know -- it's probably my fault and I'll be happy to help you out!
bundle exec rspec
If you see any security problems, please let me know ASAP! Thx :)
Just ask, I'll add questions and answers to a FAQ here.