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Provably total, tail-call optimized monadic recursion in Idris2


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idris2-tailrec : Total stack-safe monadic Recursion in Idris2

Writing recursive functions that do not overflow the stack can be challenging. The JavaScript backends in Idris2 optimize mutually tail-recursive functions into while loops, which makes them use constant stack space. Chez scheme, the target of the default backend performs tail-call optimization on its own. In monadic code, however, the recursive call happens within the bind operator (>>=), and is therefore not in tail position. The following program, for instance, will overflow the stack on the Node backend (this README is a literate Idris2 file, and the module imports will be needed later on):

import Control.WellFounded
import Data.Nat

count : Nat -> IO ()
count Z     = putStrLn "Done"
count (S k) = do
  putStrLn #"Next is \#{show k}"#
  count k

main : IO ()
main = count 10000000

Other languages like PureScript or Scala solve this by introducing a new type class (see the purescript-tailrec library) or by adding support for stack safe recursion directly to their monad interface (see the cats library). The solution is very similar in both cases. In the code below, we look at how purescript-tailrec does it (they use a dedicated Step type instead of Either but the result is the same):

interface Monad m => MonadRec1 m where
  tailRecM1 : (step : a -> m (Either a b)) -> a -> m b

count2 : HasIO io => MonadRec1 io => Nat -> io ()
count2 = tailRecM1 go
  where go : Nat -> io (Either Nat ())
        go Z     = putStrLn "Done" $> Right ()
        go (S k) = putStrLn #"Next is \#{show k}"# $> Left k

Implementers of MonadRec1 must make sure to write tailRecM in a tail recursive manner. If they do so, count2 will use constant stack space. Problem solved.

Well, in PureScript and Scala, yes, but not so in Idris. Let's implement MonadRec1 for Maybe:

MonadRec1 Maybe where
  tailRecM1 f a = case f a of
    Nothing        => Nothing
    Just (Right b) => Just b
    Just (Left a)  => tailRecM1 f a

This will not be accepted by the totality checker and for good reasons. The following program will loop forever:

forever : Maybe Nat
forever = tailRecM1 go ()
  where go : () -> Maybe (Either () Nat)
        go () = Just $ Left ()

What we are lacking is a way to convince Idris, that the values of type a are getting smaller in every recursive step, and that's the core contribution of this library: We enhance tailRecM1 with such a proof, thus rendering implementations provably total. While this will lead to slightly more complex types and some manual proof passing, the result is well worth it: We get total stack-safe monadic recursion!

Well-founded Relations

The first thing to do is to enhance the passed step function with a dependent type:

||| Step function with a proof that in case of a continuation
||| returning `v2`, `rel v2 v` holds. We can use this as part of a proof
||| that the seed for the next iterations is getting strictly smaller.
data Step : (st, res : Type) -> (rel : a -> a -> Type) -> (v : a) -> Type where
  Cont : (v2 : a) -> (state : st) -> (0 prf : rel v2 v) -> Step st res rel v
  Done : (result : res) -> Step st res rel v

I will explain below, why there is an additional accumulator of type st. A concrete instance might look as follows: We use an internal state of type List Bool, a result type String, and we iterate over Nat. In the following example we guarantee, that in case of a Cont, the next natural number will be less than 10.

NatStep : Step (List Bool) String LT 10
NatStep = Cont 0 [] (LTESucc LTEZero)

Interface MonadRec together with an implementation for Maybe would now look like so:

interface Monad m => MonadRec2 m where
  tailRecM2 :  (seed : a)
            -> (initialState : st)
            -> (step : (seed : a) -> st -> m (Step st b rel seed))
            -> m b

MonadRec2 Maybe where
  tailRecM2 seed ini f = case f seed ini of
    Nothing              => Nothing
    Just (Done b)        => Just b
    Just (Cont s2 st2 _) => tailRecM2 s2 st2 f

The interesting part is the step function we pass to tailRecM2. Its type can be interpreted as follows: For every value seed, I tell you what to do in the next recursive step, and in case we are not yet done, I'll give you a new seed (let's call it seed2 here), so that rel seed2 seed holds. For instance, if rel is LT for natural numbers, seed2 will be a new natural number strictly smaller than seed.

However, this will (of course) still not convince the totality checker and rightfully so:

forever2 : Maybe Nat
forever2 = tailRecM2 () () go
  where go : (seed : ()) -> () -> Maybe (Step () Nat Equal seed)
        go () () = Just $ Cont () () Refl

There is one piece still missing: A proof that our seed values will eventually come to an end, and hence, function step must eventually return a Done. This doesn't work, when Equal is our relation, as the seed can stay forever the same. What we are looking for are well-founded relations. There are several definitions for this, but for us, the most important one is the following: Assume < is a relation over type A. Given a starting value a0 of type A, we want to make sure that every sequence a0, a1, a2, ..., an, ... with ... < an < ... < a2 < a1 < a0 is finite. If this holds for a0, we say that a0 is accessible with respect to <. If all values of type A are accessible w.r.t. <, < is called well-founded on A.

There is module Control.WellFounded, providing us with the ingredients for this. We will now do two things: First, we use a proof of accessibility to write a total implementation of tailRecM that is accepted by Idris, second, we construct some values of type Accessible manually to get a feel for how this works. Note: Our proofs of accessibility will be erased at runtime, so we need not care if they are constructed in a tail recursive manner or not.

interface Monad m => MonadRec m where
  tailRecM :  (seed : a)
           -> (0 acc : Accessible rel seed)
           -> (initialState : st)
           -> (step : (seed : a) -> st -> m (Step st b rel seed))
           -> m b

MonadRec Maybe where
  tailRecM seed (Access rec) ini f = case f seed ini of
    Nothing                => Nothing
    Just (Done b)          => Just b
    Just (Cont s2 st2 rel) => tailRecM s2 (rec s2 rel) st2 f

That was not too hard. The only constructor of Accessible rel v1 provides a function returning a new Accessible rel v2 for all values v2, for which rel v2 v1 holds.

But can we be sure about this? Let's come up with some values of type Accessible. First, the correct case with Nat and LT:

natAcc : (n : Nat) -> Accessible LT n
natAcc n = Access (acc n)
  where acc : (u : Nat) -> (v : Nat) -> (prf : v `LT` u) -> Accessible LT v
        acc (S u') v (LTESucc vLTEu') =
          Access $ \w, wLTv => acc u' w (transitive {rel = LTE} wLTv vLTEu')
        acc Z _ _ impossible

As you can see, the base case is impossible: There is no natural number strictly smaller than zero. This will always be the case if we come up with a value of type Accessible, the creation of which satisfies the totality checker. In the recursive case, we have v < u, hence S v <= u, hence S v <= S u' hence v <= u', which is the type of vLTEu'. But if we now get a w with w < v, and therefore S w <= v, then S w <= u' by the law of transitivity, and we can recursively invoke acc with u', a value strictly smaller than u. Idris is totally happy with this. Not so, with the following:

strAcc : (s : String) -> Accessible Equal s
strAcc s = Access (acc s)
    acc : (u : String) -> (v : String) -> (prf : v = u) -> Accessible Equal v
    acc u v vEQu =
      Access $ \w,wEQv => acc u w (trans wEQv vEQu)

If we annotate the above with total, Idris will rightfully shout at us.

Why st then?

When I was experimenting with this for the first time, I found that during recursion we often need some form of accumulator, and, contrary to the data structure or value, over which we iterate, the accumulator typically gets larger instead of smaller. We could of course just pair the accumulator with the seed value and use the well-founded relation on the first (or second) value of the resulting pair. While this works perfectly fine, I felt it to be rather more cumbersome than necessary, so I added an additional state argument to Cont and tailRecM, which we can use as an internal accumulator.


Provably total, tail-call optimized monadic recursion in Idris2







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