initial angular4 project with aot compilation.
service worker added
lighthouse tested,changed index.html accordingly
progressive webapp skeleton
manifest.json added
lite server added to test local
1) ng build --prod(--aot default) 2) npm run precache 3) npm run lite 4) open chrome devtools and refresh network tab,then you will see service worker cached
##run tests local + generate code coverage report
npm run ltest
to see result of tests in browser
##show code coverage report local
$(npm bin)/lcov-summary ./coverage/lcov.info
npm run showcoverage
PWASHELL app is enabled between github and travis. after checkin in github travis runs automatically.
- A batch for build status is added to readme.md
- A batch for coverage status is added to readme.md
PWASHELL app is enabled between github and coveralls
Create a sprite file in src/assets/icons based on icons under ./uncompressed/icons
- npm run svgo // input ./uncompressed/icons"
- npm run run postsvgo // output src/assets/icons/symbol/svg/sprite.symbol.svg
- include the file content sprite.symbol.svg in index.html and use references in your app