cuba Public
Forked from cuba-platform/cubaCUBA Platform is a high level framework for enterprise applications development
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 14, 2019 -
ag-grid-angular-example Public
Forked from vaseker/ag-grid-ng2-exampleTypeScript UpdatedNov 30, 2018 -
material2-app Public
Forked from jelbourn/material2-appSimple app that consumes Angular Material 2 components
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 2, 2017 -
Chart.js Public
Forked from chartjs/Chart.jsSimple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 15, 2013 -
Android-Speech-Bubble Public
Forked from AdilSoomro/Android-Speech-Bubbleandroid ListView with speech bubbles to demonstrate the implementation speech bubbles of chat and message in application.
Java UpdatedMar 31, 2013