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Gordon Potter edited this page Sep 21, 2013 · 4 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ember App Kit?

EAK, is designed to unify tooling and make development of Ember JS application simple and straight forward process. Using EAK helps eliminate overhead by doing some initial setup for you such as project folder structure, testing library support, asset preprocessing and project minification.

Why should I choose EAK?

There are many of other tools and processes for building an ember application. We hope to make Ember App Kit a best of breed tool and experience for most types of Ember development.

Do you have a list of commands and quick cheat sheet?

Check out command line quick start guide for a list of common commands found in ember app kit.

I am a ruby/rails developer what is this node you speak of? Where are the gem files? What about Rake?

EAK uses Grunt JS tasks to compile and manage your project. Asset compilation can be done using a variety of libraries familiar to rails developers such as SASS or Coffeescript. There is no asset pipeline, but rather a series of tasks for compiling the sass and other kinds of asset source code you might find in a typical rails project.

The project comes with predefined tasks you can always write your own.

Ember Rails is a separate project for building Ember JS projects within a Rails context.

For individual modules and libraries of functionality you can use NPM (node package manager) to download and install with your project. This is roughly analogous to the bundler + gems experience under rails.