You will need a Kubernetes cluster version 1.24 or newer. For a quick local test, you can use Kubernetes kind. Any other Kubernetes setup will work as well though.
Create a cluster called staging
with the kind CLI:
kind create cluster --name staging
Install the Flux CLI on MacOS or Linux using Homebrew:
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
For other installation methods please see
In order to follow the workshop you'll need a GitHub account and a
personal access token
that can create repositories (check all permissions under repo
Add the GitHub PAT and username to your shell environment:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
export GITHUB_USER=<your-username>
Fork the workshop repository on your personal account and clone it locally:
git clone${GITHUB_USER}/flux-workshop-2023.git
cd flux-workshop-2023
Install the Flux controllers on the staging cluster:
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=${GITHUB_USER} \
--repository=flux-workshop-2023 \
--branch=main \
--personal \
Pull the changes locally:
git pull
Inspect the Flux manifests generated in the repo:
tree ./clusters
Rename the infrastructure.yaml.x
to infrastructure.yaml
in the clusters/staging
then commit the changes and push them upstream.
Wait for Flux to reconcile the infra Kustomizations:
flux get kustomizations --watch
To access the Flux UI, first start port forwarding with:
kubectl -n flux-system port-forward svc/weave-gitops 9001:9001
Navigate to http://localhost:9001 and login using the username admin
and the password flux
Rename the apps.yaml.x
to apps.yaml
in the clusters/staging
then commit the changes and push them upstream.
Wait for Flux to reconcile the apps Kustomizations:
flux get kustomizations --watch
Edit the podinfo.yaml
file from the apps
directory, and change the tag: 6.4.0
to semver: 6.4.x
Commit the changes and push them upstream.
Navigate to Applications > podinfo
in the Flux UI and watch the app being upgraded to the latest version.