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Implementation Status Tracking

Steffen Nörtershäuser edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 1 revision

To help you keep track of your implementation status GoNorth provides a module for this. You can access the Implementation status overview by clicking on the implementation home tile or selecting Implementation status in the top navigation.

On this page you see the different object types that are beeing tracked and are not yet fully implemented. If a user changes an already implemented object it will automatically show up on this page. You can switch between the different lists using the buttons on the left.

Object List

In each object list you will see the different objects. If you click on the name of the object a new dialog will open where you can see the changes and flag the object as implemented. In the right column you will find a link which will open the detail form of the different objects.

Compare Dialog

The compare dialog will show you all the relevant changes to the object since the last time it was flagged as implemented. If it was never implemented before a message will show this. By clicking on the mark as implemented button the object will be flagged as implemented and disappear from the list.