Lumbar is a js-build tool that takes a general codebase and list of platforms to generate modular platform specific applications.
npm install -g lumbar
See thorax-example for an example project.
var port = 8000,
publicDir = './public',
lumbarFile = './lumbar.json';
server: {
base: publicDir,
port: port
lumbar: {
// performs an initial build so when tests
// and initial open are run, code is built
build: {
build: lumbarFile,
output: publicDir
// a long running process that will watch
// for updates, to include another long
// running task such as "watch", set
// background: true
watch: {
background: false,
watch: lumbarFile,
output: publicDir
grunt.registerTask('default', 'lumbar:build server lumbar:watch');
See release-notes for release history.