1.3.0 (2023-10-16)
Support for SRP/GSA based authentication flow (84c1d91 ), closes #363
Adding support for iCloud China (a8be985 ), closes #286
Bug Fixes
Adding support for (df552ae )
Adding support for (18c448a )
Adding support for public.mp3 (c86fe4c )
Adding warnings, if asset download tries overwriting an existing file (10c60b6 )
Already linked duplicate (28123f3 )
Fixes broken logToCLI logic (ba297a0 )
Gracefully handling 'incorrect MFA code' (d7371dc ), closes #353
Gracefully handling EACCES error when starting MFA server (2fc2bcb ), closes #343
Handling file extension for duplicate files (0228fcf )
HAR file properly tracking header values and query parameter values are now strings (bcea4ae )
Investigating duplicate files (9193ca5 )
No longer requiring password input through CLI or env variable, but can be provided via stdin (63eba6c ), closes #341
Support for 'public.image' (with extension 'HEIC') (4f7d36d )
Build System
Grouping of dependencies in dependabot alerts (b74e505 )
Removing tags from dependabot (b8cf54e )
Updating source maps when moving them (714c868 )
[app] Bump eslint and dependencies (639a5cf )
[app] Bump eslint from 8.49.0 to 8.50.0 in /app (a6dc6b2 )
[app] Bump knip from 2.30.0 to 2.33.3 in /app (666da27 )
[docs] Update mkdocs-material requirement from ~=9.4.2 to ~=9.4.5 in /docs (876eac2 )
[docs] Update mkdocs-material requirement in /docs (5933f5d )
Bump @semantic-release/release-notes-generator from 11.0.7 to 12.0.0 (ad9490c )
Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (39a0803 ), closes #325
Bump backtrace (f5267f2 )
Bump commander from 10.0.0 to 11.0.0 in /app (eca62fd )
Bump croner from 6.0.7 to 7.0.1 in /app (0a23907 ), closes #315
Bump eslint to support typescript 5.2 (8a80a8a )
Bump mkdocs (e019099 )
Bump node to 18.18.0 (4e00dce )
Bump node version (e3126e3 )
Bump p-event from 5.0.1 to 6.0.0 in /app (fddfd8e ), closes #308
Bump p-queue from 7.4.0 to 7.4.1 in /app (ba788f2 ), closes #338
Bump typescript from 5.1.6 to 5.2.2 in /app (06c1af2 ), closes #317
Bumping semantic-release (1fabb14 ), closes #340 #339 #335
Update mkdocs requirement from ~=1.4.3 to ~=1.5.2 in /docs (8ea3123 ), closes #336
Update mkdocs-material requirement from ~=9.1.15 to ~=9.3.1 in /docs (afc1d57 ), closes #337
Update mkdocs-material requirement from ~=9.4.1 to ~=9.4.2 in /docs (8adbb13 ), closes #361
Fixing minor documentation issues (f3de501 )
Support of InfluxDB 2 in Grafana Dashboard (c71e2bc ), closes #329
You can’t perform that action at this time.