Dojox.gfx Plugins are a collection of effects that are designed to work with dojox.gfx (requires version 1.7 or higher).
- If you will be using the canvas renderer, update the _render function in dojox/gfx/canvas.js (or extend using g.canvas.Shape.prototype._render):
_render = function(/* Object */ ctx){
// summary: render the shape;
// process effect, if exists
if (this._gfxEffect && this.getUID() in this._gfxEffect) {
var effect = this._gfxEffect[this.getUID()];
if (effect && effect.type && effect.type == "shadow") {
ctx.shadowOffsetX = parseFloat(effect.dx);
ctx.shadowOffsetY = parseFloat(effect.dy);
ctx.shadowBlur = parseFloat(effect.size);
var color = g.normalizeColor(effect.color);
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(" + color.r + ", " + color.g + ", " + color.b + ", " + color.a + ")";
this._renderFill(ctx, true);
this._renderStroke(ctx, true);
- See the examples for usage.
blur: Object
size: String - can be float or "none" (default = 2.5)
sizeType: String - can be "stdDeviation" (from SVG), "radius" (from Silverlight), "pixelRadius" (from VML) (default = "stdDeviation")
shadow: Object
dx: Integer - sets x-axis offset (default = 4)
dy: Integer - sets y-axis offset (default = 4)
size: String - sets shadow size, can be float or "none" (default = 2.5)
sizeType: String - can be "stdDeviation" (from SVG), "radius" (from Silverlight), "pixelRadius" (from VML) (default = "stdDeviation")
color: Array|String|Object (dojo.Color) - sets shadow color (default = [0,0,0,0.5])
Q: Why does the blur effect not work with the Canvas renderer?
A: Canvas doesn't support a stand-alone blur effect.
Q: Why doesn't my Silverlight blur work?
A: Silverlight version 3 or higher is required for blur.
Q: Why doesn't my Silverlight object show multiple effects?
A: Silverlight currently only supports one effect per object.
Q: Why doesn't the blur effect work in Safari?
A: Safari doesn't currently implement feGaussianBlur properly. Use WebKit nightly instead.
Q: Why does the shadow sometimes appear through the original object using the Canvas renderer?
A: Good question. Setting globalCompositeOperation="lighter" helps a little but I'm sure there's a better answer.
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