- Click the green-highlighted button that says Code
- From the drop-down, copy & paste the URL given.
- In your command terminal, navigate to the location you desire to download it.
- Type ls to see which folders you can access.
- Type cd without the <> to access the folder.
- Type cd .. to go back a folder.
- Use the command git clone without the <>.
- If you are getting an error, you may have to download the git clone command first.
- To do so, navigate to the folder you would like to download it to and type $ sudo apt-get update.
- Then, type $ sudo apt-get install git.
- To verify it has been downloaded, type $ git --version to view the version type you have downloaded.
- If the download was unsuccessful, you will instead get an error saying it was unable to be found.
- In the command terminal, use cd without the <> to access the Blackjack folder.
- You should see a file labeled blackjack.py.
- If the blackjack.py file is not bolded, you will need to compile it.
- You can compile this by typing chmod u+x blackjack.py.
- If it is already bolded, you may now run the game by typing ./blackjack.py in your command terminal.
In your command terminal, type './blackjack.py' after navigating into the Blackjack repository folder.
- You must use a keyboard to play.
- There is at least one player playing.
- All players start with $10,000 in their bank balance.
- You may double-down, get insurance, and split on both hands.
This is a simple Blackjack simulator I made in approximately 40 hours for a game development class. The program runs in-console and is entirely made with Python. This Blackjack game has an AI dealer (HAL9000) and can be used in both single-player and multi-player mode. At the end of each mode (if you decide to not continue playing), each of the player's data is saved in the database file (pickle_database.pckl). You can get your player data back by simply typing the same name again when inputting players during a new game.