Té Cuento API is a REST API created to support the front-end Té Cuento project and to enhance my understanding of backend technologies
Front-End Repository
Deployed Project - Please be patient while the page fetches data from the API
Project is created with:
Properties | Description | Type |
id | tea id | integer |
type | tea type | text |
name | tea name | text |
img | image url | text |
origin | cultivation location | text |
description | tea description | text |
brew_time | range of minutes to steep | text |
temperature | brewing water temperature in farenheit | integer |
infusions | number of tea steepings per serving | integer |
caffeine_level | tea caffeine level | text |
farmer | farmer name | text |
farmer_img | image url | text |
Properties | Description | Type |
id | comment id | integer |
tea_id | parent tea id | integer |
user_name | commentor's name | text |
user_message | commentor's message | text |
primary route: https://te-cuento.herokuapp.com/api/v1
Routes | HTTP Methods | Description |
/teas | GET | Displays all teas |
/teas/:id | GET | Displays a specific tea, given its id |
/comments | POST | Adds a comment to the object |
- Populate database with new comments