Built with:
and minimal
. Visit the live site
This site is a pro bono donation to a community thrift store that helps support our local veterans by offering merchandise and a plethora of resources and programs. Previous to this site, the store utilized its Facebook page as its "website."
- The site is generally static with a bit of JavaScript controlling the menus
- It offers a multitude of resource links for local Veterans
- Content includes ways the local community can donate and shop
- Fork this Repository
- Clone you forked repository
- Run
npm install
to install the dependencies and code away!
- Revisit font sizes throughout site
- Optimize performance
- Testing of media queries on ALL devices (90% complete)
- Google Map API awaiting account from store owner...
- Site information awaiting store owner approval/confirmation...
- Hosting awaiting owner preference
I would appreciate any feedback concerning bugs or on how to improve the site.
Simply open a pull request with your suggestions or
This project was based on skills and knowledge obtained from Udemy course Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid Animations and More! by Jonas Schmedimann.