AngularPrime-Dart is a Dart port of Rudy de Busscher's AngularPrime component library.
See it in action:
Have a look at the showcase and the project blog at
As for the showcase: there are some compatibility issues, so currently it doesn't work at all and in general
it's a good idea to view it with the Dartium browser.
Please apologize this temporary problem.
There's also a live Tetris clone running on AngularPrime/Dart:
Albeit AngularPrime-Dart is developed in Dart, it also runs in native Javascript (by using Dart's cross-compiler dart2js).
However, currently it isn't fully compatible to Javascript. There are a couple of compatibility issues I haven't started to track down yet. For instance, the buttons in the datatable demos cause infinite loops. BTW: If you want to participate in the project, hunting those bugs is a good starting point. Every help is welcome!
The goal of the project is to provide
- A similar API as the original AngularPrime.
- When it's impossible to provide the same API, AngularPrime-Dart strives for an even better API.
- A Dart widget library blending seamlessly into the PrimeFaces look and feel
- and that's even compatible to the JSF version of PrimeFaces.
- Ultimately, AngularPrime-Dart is going to be used as the widget library of AngularFaces 2.0 (unless technical obstacles arise).
Current state of the art:
I'm porting the project to a non-shadow-DOM version. The newest Google Chrome ceased to support shadow DOM a little earlier than I expected it to do.
In general the project's still in its nascient state. Be prepared for rapid changes of the API (of both AngularDart and AngularPrime-Dart).
Components implemented so far Structural components:
<pui-panel> | finished except shrink and grow effects |
<pui-accordion> | finished except shrink and grow effects and collapsing of the other accordion ribs after activating a rib |
<pui-tabview> | finished except vertically orientated tabs |
<pui-datatable> | 50% finished / work in progress |
<pui-include> | finished does more or less the same as ng-include, but it includes the file before initializing AngularDart |
<pui-grid> | finished A grid component simplifying typical business input masks tremendously |
<pui-bind-html> | finished A very liberal version of <ng-bind-html> (the difference to <ng-bind-html> is <pui-bind-html> omits sanitizing of the HTML code, so use it with care) |
Components dealing with input:
<pui-input> | 90% finished ("disabled" attribute and labels need some polishing) |
<pui-week> | finished (requires an HTML 5 browser) |
<pui-color> | finished (requires an HTML5 brwoser) a color-picker component |
<pui-calendar> | coming soon |
<pui-time> | coming soon |
<pui-button> | finished |
<pui-button> | finished |
<pui-checkbox> | finished |
<pui-textarea> | 50% finished |
<pui-dropdown> | finished except keyboard support of non-editable drop drop menus |
<pui-radiobutton> | coming soon |
<pui-growl> | coming soon |