Python scripts to convert jira bugs into confluence metrics. Calculate defect counts and daily defect inflow/outflow; add this to the confluence wiki. MD project_metrics generates a list of tickets rather than the graphs. SCTX project_tracker uses tracker rather than jira, and has a customized report.
Defecttools is separated into 3 different components in the defecttools folder. The original DDD is Dave's Defect Dashboard and handles the per team defect graphs. The second MD is a separated module in the folder md that generated the a list of tickets based on a filter in jira, and is able to get the parent tickets from merge request tickets (currently in use for clearwater reports). Finally SCTX handles the sctx report from tracker.
- Install linux distribution of choice
- Update machine (
[sudo] apt-get update & [sudo] apt-get upgrade
) - Install sqlite (
[sudo] apt-get install sqlite3
) - Install git (
[sudo] apt-get install git
) - Install pip (
[sudo] apt-get install python-pip
) - Install jira-python (
[sudo] pip install jira-python
) - Install pymongo (
[sudo] pip install pymongo
) - Fix a bug with latest request (for more info: Uninstall latest version and install previous version
[sudo] pip uninstall requests
[sudo] pip install requests==0.14.1
- Install python mongodb library (
[sudo] pip install pymongo
) - Install networkdays (
[sudo] pip install workdays
) - Install python-dev (
sudo apt-get install python-dev
) - Install numpy (
[sudo] pip install numpy
- Git clone this project onto your server
git clone
Used for Dave's Defect Dashboard (DDD)
- Create a folder in the home directory to store the database
mkdir ~/data/defect_dashboard
- Inside this folder create a folder backups
mkdir ~/data/defect_dashboard/backups
- Run sqlite3 with tickets.db
sqlite3 tickets.db
- Create the following structure:
CREATE TABLE filters(id integer primary key, name text not null, team_id integer, filter_id integer); CREATE TABLE tickets(id string primary key, disposition text); CREATE TABLE observations(filter_id integer not null, ticket string not null, time real not null); CREATE TABLE teams (id integer primary key not null, name string); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX fid on filters(id);
- [Optional] Export the old data into the new database (see data/source on server for the old import files).
Used for Malcolm's Dashboard (CW) & SCTX Report (SCTX)
- Make sure mongodb is running (
[sudo] mongod
) - Enter the mongodb console (
) - Switch to jirametrics database (
use jirametrics
) - Insert filters into the filters collection using the following json representation:
using the following db.filters.insert({ })
- Create trackermetrics (
use trackermetrics
) - Inert filters into the filters colelction using the following json representation:
using the following db.filters.insert({ })
- Make a new directory
mkdir ~/.defecttools
(If you like to use another directory make sure you update lib/config config_file path to your path) - Copy into the new directory
cp ~/.defecttools/
- Update with your credentials
- Remove original
- Make a new directory logs
mkdir ~/logs
- Create a general log file
touch out
- Create a error log file
touch err
- Update the crontab file with the following
0 7 * * * PYTHONPATH=/home/my_user_name; export PYTHONPATH; /home/my_user_name/path/to/cronjob/
Sit back and enjoy!
- integration of DDD with MongoDB to increase the speed & remove dependency on SQLite.
- Add historical data to MD to allow graphical representation
- Refactor the code since all 3 share almost similar functions
- Build in backup mechanisme for MongoDB
- Reitegrate the Excel file output option