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stephenbush-wf committed Oct 13, 2015
1 parent 009da37 commit 47b2e9b
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 5 deletions.
72 changes: 67 additions & 5 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
package exampleBot;

import java.util.Random;

import battlecode.common.Clock;
import battlecode.common.Direction;
import battlecode.common.MapLocation;
import battlecode.common.RobotController;
import battlecode.common.RobotType;

public class Example { // << This class must actually be called RobotPlayer, but isnt solely for this demo
Expand All @@ -21,8 +24,8 @@ public static void run(RobotController rc) {
switch (rc.getType()) {
case HQ:
while ( true ) {

MapLocation swarmTarget = getMidPoint(rc.senseHQLocation(), rc.senseEnemyHQLocation()); // Lets pick a target Rally point in the center between the two HQs
// Changed the rally point to 1/4 of the way across
MapLocation swarmTarget = getMidPoint(rc.senseHQLocation(), getMidPoint(rc.senseHQLocation(), rc.senseEnemyHQLocation()));
// When the time is right, Attaaaaaaack!
if ( rc.readBroadcast(BC_SWARM_COUNT) > 25 ) swarmTarget = rc.senseEnemyHQLocation();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,13 +54,23 @@ public static void run(RobotController rc) {

// Create a new random number generator based on the team and the Clock, because Random seeds are preset.
Random r = new Random((rc.getTeam().ordinal()+2)*Clock.getRoundNum());
r.nextFloat(); // There's a bug in the seeding for the first number, so consume it

// I have a 8% chance of becoming a Supplier!
if ( r.nextFloat() <= 0.08 ) {

while ( true ) {
// Read the target, in case it changes!
MapLocation myTarget = new MapLocation(rc.readBroadcast(BC_SWARM_TARGET_X), rc.readBroadcast(BC_SWARM_TARGET_Y));

// Increment the swarm count because i am still alive!
rc.broadcast(BC_SWARM_COUNT, rc.readBroadcast(BC_SWARM_COUNT)+1);

if ( rc.isActive() ) {
Direction moveDir = rc.getLocation().directionTo(myTarget); // I want to move in the direction of my Rally Point instead!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,15 +142,64 @@ public static void run(RobotController rc) {
} catch (Exception e) {

// Move to and then build a supplier
private static void goBuildASupplier(RobotController rc) {
try {

// Select a nearby Encampment
MapLocation[] encampments = rc.senseAllEncampmentSquares();
MapLocation closest = null;
// Loop over all of the encampments, looking for one that is empty and close
for ( MapLocation target : encampments ) {
if ( rc.canSenseSquare(target) && rc.senseObjectAtLocation(target) != null ) {
// One of our bots is already here
else {
// If i have no target yet, or this target is closer than my current, keep it
if ( closest == null || rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(target) < rc.getLocation().distanceSquaredTo(closest) ) {
closest = target;
while ( true ) {

if ( rc.isActive() ) {
if ( rc.getLocation().equals(closest) ) {
// I have arrived!!!
if ( rc.getTeamPower() > rc.senseCaptureCost() ) rc.captureEncampment(RobotType.SUPPLIER);
} else {

Direction moveDir = rc.getLocation().directionTo(closest); // I want to move in the direction of my target

while( !rc.canMove(moveDir) ) { // Check to see if i can move there, ie whether or not there's another bot there
moveDir = moveDir.rotateLeft(); // If not, rotate until i get a direction with no robots
MapLocation moveLocation = rc.getLocation().add(moveDir); // Get me the next adjacent location in that direction

if ( rc.senseMine(moveLocation) != null ) { // But first make sure there are no mines
rc.defuseMine(moveLocation); // If so, defuse it!
} else {
rc.move(moveDir); // Move in that direction!
} catch (Exception e) {

// Get the midpoint between two locations
private static MapLocation getMidPoint(MapLocation location1, MapLocation location2) {
int midX = (location1.x+location2.x)/2; // Get the middle value between these two X's
int midY = (location1.y+location2.y)/2; // Get the middle value between these two Y's
return new MapLocation(midX, midY); // Construct a new location object


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