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Releases: stephenhillier/apitest


07 Nov 06:49
Choose a tag to compare

Added extra rules for assertions. In addition to the basic comparison syntax (for example, in the expect... values block, topping: pepperoni), you can now use an object with a set of rules:

  - name: Todo list
    url: "{{host}}/todos/1"
    method: get
      status: 200
        id: 1 # can still use basic comparison syntax
          equals: delectus aut autem
          gt: 1
          lt: 3
          equals: 2 # redundant rules just for example sake
          exists: true # just check that task_completed is in the response body, regardless of value


5c9b9a2 add assertion rules


08 Oct 14:37
Choose a tag to compare


df69344 Add a link to go directory to example
adcb230 Create
e5fd8d9 Initial commit
d0f3ce8 Update
8d2ba0f Update
20687a6 Update
f2546bd Update
f1658d1 Update
4370e28 Update main.workflow
09d83fe Update main.workflow
1070e65 Update main.workflow
6ff77f3 Update readme
48f8f25 Update readme with "set" explanation
c5eac80 add a test and update comments
2414bc1 add ability to define variables and update them based on responses
b6f057f add basic nested object test case and modify readme
1854c91 add cli flag env variables
2e8420e add flag for file input
046f073 add goreleaser cfg
421bae2 add headers to test specs
f6e764f add jq package to vendor
3556540 add login example to README
67e981f add request body and simpler key/value yaml input
2489b2f add unit tests to github actions
50c2c7a add var replacement in request body
9e6f39d basic json value checks
776bb35 change way content type is specified
78e855d enable prometheus metrics
2f5d722 fix repo reference
13eeb14 fix typo that broke readme link
4611540 fixed variable setting (can handle arrays) and tidied verbose output
c449be2 improve json checking and add ability to run one test at a time
7338b3b improved cli functionality
522def2 move response check higher up
d19086d prevent client from following redirects
cb86ccd refactor to not fail on empty response
18d8478 remove content-type header
3a780fe set up for running in pipeline
237e9e6 set wait time longer
a2ad0a0 support for jq syntax when testing response body
b7c81a9 support for urlencoded
83b3628 switch to plain text output
c197c58 update deps
239659d update readme
10d2c35 update readme
2ce24fa update readme examples
d57a3e0 update readme to put prometheus usage in summary
9a9ed2f value asserts work with strings and ints
5ec79b5 vendor dependencies
cdceb10 very basic working test requests