A command line utility that reads, writes and verifies HP 3478A meter calibration data via GPIB.
Offsets and gains are displayed for each calibration entry/meter range.
This utility supports Prologix GPIB-USB compatible controllers including the Galvant Industries GPIBUSB rev4 with firmware version 6.
HP3478ACalibration -f FILE [-o]
HP3478ACalibration -f FILE -r ADDR [-o]
HP3478ACalibration -f FILE -w ADDR [-o]
HP3478ACalibration -h
HP3478ACalibration reads, writes and verifies HP 3478A meter calibration
data. Reading and writing of the calibration data is performed using a
Prologix GPIB-USB compatible adapter.
-f FILE, --file=FILE
Use FILE as the calibration file. The calibration file is verified for
correctness when both the -r and -w options are not specified.
-o, --allow-oversize
Allow calibration files larger than 256 bytes to be read. (Only the
first 256 bytes of the calibration file will be used when this
option is specified.)
-r ADDR, --read=ADDR
Read calibration data from the instrument with GPIB address ADDR
into the calibration file specified by -f. (This option cannot be
specified with option -w.)
-w ADDR, --write=ADDR
Write calibration data from the calibration file specified by -f to
the instrument with GPIB address ADDR. (This option cannot be
specified with option -r.)
-h, --help
Display this help.
Read calibration from meter at GPIB address 23 to file:
HP3478ACalibration -f file.cal -r 23
Write calibration from file to meter at GPIB address 23:
HP3478ACalibration -f file.cal -w 23
Verify a calibration file and display offsets/gains:
HP3478ACalibration -f file.cal
Serial port and GPIB adapter settings may be configured by editing the HP3478ACalibrationSettings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!--Serial Port Settings-->
<Parity>None</Parity> <!--Parity = None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space-->
<StopBits>One</StopBits> <!--StopBits = One, OnePointFive, Two-->
<FlowControl>None</FlowControl> <!--FlowControl = None, RequestToSend, RequestToSendXOnXOff, XOnXOff-->
<!--GPIB Adapter Settings-->
<Timeout>1000</Timeout> <!--Serial/GPIB Timeout (mSec)-->
<VersionString>GPIB</VersionString> <!--Command '++ver' return value must contain this string.-->
This code is released under the MIT license.