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Automatic Sessions For Dwarf 2 and 3

Dwarf II,Dwarf 3 sofware for automatic imaging sessions

This program permits to start automatically imaging sessions

The sessions are defined in a json file in a specific directory: ./Astro_Sessions/ToDo/

the json use this format samples are provided in ./Astro_Session directory :

    { "command" : {
            "id_command" : {
                "uuid" : "uuid";
                "description": "text";
                "date" : date; # "YYYY-MM-DD" minimun date to launch the processing, can be later if a processing is in progress
                "time" : time; # "HH:MM:SS"
                "process" : {wait, pending, ended}; # "wait" to be proccessed
                "max_retries": 2, # maximun number of retries in case of errors
                "result" : boolean; # result after processing
                "message" : {...};  # result message
                "nb_try": 1, # number of tries done
                "processed_date": date; # YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS date of proccessing

            "calibration" : {
                "do_action" : false; # true to do the action
                "wait_before" : time_sec;
                "wait_after" : time_sec;
            "goto_solar" :  {
                "do_action" : false;
                "target" : planet_name;
                "wait_after" : time_sec;
            "goto_manual" :  {
                "do_action" : false;
                "target" : target_name;
                "ra_coord" : ra_coord; # decimal value or HH:MM:SS
                "dec_coord" : dec_coord; # decimal value or DD:MM:SS
                "wait_afte"r : time_sec;
            "setup_camera" :  {
                "do_action" : false;
                "exposure" : exposure_strvalue;
                "gain" : gain_strvalue;
                "binning" : binning_val;   # "0": 4k - "1": 2k
                "IRCut" : IRCut_val;     # "0": IRCut - "1": IRPass for D2, "0": VIS Filter - "1": Astro Filter - "2" for DUAL BAND Filter for D3
                "count" : nb_image;
                "wait_after" : time_sec;
           "setup_wide_camera": {
                "do_action": true,
                "exposure": "10",
                "gain": "90",
                "count": "10",
                "wait_after": 30


  1. Clone this repository

  2. Then Install the dwarf_python_api library with :

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

    python -m pip install -r requirements-local.txt --target .

    This project uses the dwarf_python_api library that must be installed locally in the root path of this project with using the parameter --target .

    Don't miss the dot at the end of the line

    Setup the config.ini file with your wifi ssid and password for using your dwarf on you local wifi network Then you can start : console version with => python .\ GUI version with => python .\

    For the console, you can set parameters: --ip ip_value --id (2 or 3) These values are needed if you don't have connected it with bluetooth one time.

    If parameters are not set, it will try to connect to the dwarf with bluetooth: a web page will start. it will stops on bluetooth error.

    If it can't connect to dwarf at startup, it will ask if you want to connect to the dwarf with bluetooth during 30s and continue.

    It will ask the same thing after an error at the end of an processing action, but il wait 60s in this case and continue.

  • If parameters are OK, the console will continue and not ask fo bluetooth
  • So the console can be used in a headless environnement until it can connect.
  • In this case, you can start the connection on Dwarfium (if you have it), so the processing can continue without human action on the console
  1. Prepare manually your sessions files, this will be done later with Dwarfium

  2. Copy your files in the ./Astro_Sessions/ToDo/ sudirectory, they will be processed automatically

  3. To stop the processing use CRL+C

  4. Clear nights and good night too, the dwarf will work for you ;)


Automatic Sessions For Dwarf 2 and 3






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