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Astro Simple Portfolio

Is a free and open-source portfolio template built with Astro. It's a great starting point for building your own portfolio site.

This project leverages Astro v5, incorporating the latest features that Astro has to offer.

Simple Portfolio Cover preview

Built with Astro



Now upgraded to Astro v5: the latest release of Astro.

  • Astro v5: Utilizes the latest features of Astro for a fast and optimized static site.
  • Tailwind CSS: Includes Tailwind CSS for easy and efficient styling.
  • ShadCN: Implements ShadCN components for a modern and cohesive design system.
  • TypeScript: Written in TypeScript for type safety and better developer tooling.
  • React Components: Supports React components to provide a familiar component-based development workflow.
  • MDX Support: Includes MDX support for writing content with Markdown and JSX.

Figma Design

This project is based on the following Figma design: Simple Resume Portfolio.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up the project locally.


  • Node.js (version 18 or higher recommended)
  • npm (usually comes with Node.js)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd astro-simple-portfolio
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the development server:

    npm run dev

This will start the Astro development server. Open a browser and visit http://localhost:4321 to see the site.

Project Structure

File/Folder Description
src/assets Contains images and other assets used in the project.
src/components Contains React components used in the project.
src/content Contains the content for the site, such as projects, experiences, and educational information.
src/data Contains data files for the site, such as jobs, education, and skills.
src/icons Contains SVG icons used in the project.
src/layouts Contains the layout components for the site.
src/pages Contains the pages for the site.
src/styles Contains global styles for the site.
src/config.ts Contains configurations for the site.
src/lib Contains utility functions used in the project.
public Contains static files such as images, favicons, and other assets.


To configure the project, you can edit the following files:


This file contains several configurations for the site such as the site title, description, other metadata and your personal details. This file has three main sections:

  • SITE
  • ME

Those sections are arrays of objects that contain the following properties:


table explaining the properties of each object:

Property Type Description
website string The URL of your site.
title string The title of your site.
description string A brief description of your site.
tags string Keywords related to your site.
ogImage string The image used when sharing your site on social media.
logo string The logo used for your site.
logoText string The text used for the logo.
lang string The language of your site.
favicon string The icon used for your site.
repository string The URL of the repository for your site.
author string The author of the site.
profile string The url of the online profile of the author.


export const SITE = {
    website: "", // replace this with your deployed domain
    title: "Simple Portfolio",
    description: "A simple but beautiful portfolio created with Astro",
    tags: ["portfolio", "Resume cv", "Astro"],
    ogImage: "/og-image.webp",
    logo: "logo",
    logoText: "SPortfolio",
    lang: "en",
    favicon: "/favicon.png",
    repository: "",
    author: "Victor Alvarado",
    profile: "",


table explaining the properties of each object:

Property Type Description
name string Your name.
profession string Your profession.
profileImage string The image used for your profile.
profileFacts object An array of objects with the description and value of the fact.
about string A brief description about you.
contactInfo object An array of objects with the email, linkedin, and resumeDoc properties.


export const ME = {
    name: "John Doe",
    profession: "Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer",
    profileImage: "pp.png",
    profileFacts: [
            value: 10,
            description: "Years of Experience"
            value: 5,
            description: "Completed Projects"
            value: 4,
            description: "Satisfied Clients"
    contactInfo: {
        email: "",
        linkedin: "",
        resumeDoc: "resume.pdf",
    aboutMe: "I am a software engineer with a passion for web development. I have experience in building web " + "applications using modern technologies. I am a self-taught developer who enjoys learning new things and " + "sharing knowledge with others.",


In this section, you can add your social media profiles. Each object should have the following properties:

  • name: The name of the social media platform.
  • url: The URL of your profile on that platform.
  • icon: The icon used for the social media platform. By default, the project already have the most common social media platforms. If you want to add a new one, you should add the icon in SVG format in the src/icons directory.
  • show: A boolean value to show or hide the social media platform. I recommend to hide the platforms that you don't have a profile and also have as maximum 4 social media platforms.

If you have configured the project correctly, you should see something like this:

Personal Info Section

And also the Meta Tags in the Head of the HTML should be working correctly.

Add your projects, experiences, and educational information

Projects (as a Content Collection)

For projects, we are going to use the src/content/projects directory. Each project is a separate .mdx or .md file in this directory. The file should have the following structure:

Property Type Description
title string The title of the project.
summary string A brief description of the project.
tags string[] An array of tags related to the project.
startDate Date The start date of the project.
endDate Date The end date of the project.
url string The URL of the project to show a demo or more information.
cover string An image to show in the project card.
ogImage string An image to show when sharing the project on social media.

Example frontMatter:

title: ProAccountant Website
summary: Professional Accounting Services Website built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, and ShadCN. The site showcases accounting services, features a contact form, and offers a blog section to establish the accountant as an authority in the field.
    - React
    - Next.js
    - ContentFull
    - Motion
    - Tailwind
startDate: 2024-04-07
endDate: 2024-04-09
author: Victor Alvarado
cover: './images/pro-accountant/accnt.webp'
ogImage: './images/pro-accountant/accnt.webp'

If you plan to add images to the project, you should place them in the src/content/projects/images/ directory. For a better organization, I recommend creating a separate folder inside images/ for each project.

Jobs (as array of objects file)


Contains the work experience you want to showcase. It's an array of objects where each object represents a job you have held.

table explaining the properties of each object:

Property Type Description
title string The title of the job.
startDate Date The start date of the job.
endDate Date The end date of the job.
company string The name of the company.
location string The location of the company.
description string A brief description of the job.
goals string[] An array of goals or achievements during the job.
currentJob boolean A boolean value to indicate if you are currently working in this job.


const workExperience: WorkExperience[] = [
        title: "Frontend Developer",
        startDate: "2020-03-10",
        endDate: "", // Leave empty if you are currently working here
        company: "Google Inc",
        location: "United States",
        description: "Developed and maintained web applications using React, NextJs, and Tailwind CSS.",
        goals: [
            "Developed and maintained web applications using React, NodeJs, and MongoDB.",
            "Worked with the team to develop and maintain web applications using React, NodeJs, and MongoDB.",
            "Created and maintained web applications using React, NodeJs, and MongoDB.",
        currentJob: true,
    // Add more jobs as needed

export default workExperience;

For better results, I highly recommend using Action Verbs to describe your achievements and responsibilities. Here are some examples:

  • "Developed and maintained web applications using React, Node.Js, and MongoDB.",
  • "Worked with the team to develop and maintain web applications using React, Node.Js, and MongoDB.",
  • "Created and maintained web applications using React, NodeJ.s, and MongoDB."

Read more about Action Verbs here.

Education (as array of objects file)


Holds the details regarding your educational background.

table explaining the properties of each object:

Property Type Description
title string The title of the degree or course.
startDate Date The start date of the degree or course.
endDate Date The end date of the degree or course.
school string The name of the school or university.
location string The location of the school or university.
description string A brief description of the degree or course.
currentUni boolean A boolean value to indicate if you are currently studying in this school.


const education = [
        title: "General English",
        startDate: "2024-09-01",
        endDate: "2025-06-01", // Leave empty if you are currently studying here
        school: "UCD ELA",
        location: "Ireland",
        description: "Studied English as a second language.",
        currentUni: false, // Set to true if you are currently studying here
    // Add more education entries as needed

export default education;

Hard Skills (as array of objects file)


Contains a list of skills you possess.

Example structure:

const Hardskills = [
        name: "AstroJs",
        description: "My favorite static site generator for building modern websites",
        icon: "astro_dark"
    // Add more hard skills as needed

export default skills;

Soft Skills (as array of objects file)


Contains a list of skills you possess.

Example structure:

const Hardskills = [
        name: "AstroJs",
        icon: "astro_dark"
    // Add more hard skills as needed

export default skills;

You can add, edit, or remove entries from these files to customize the content presented on your portfolio. Each file typically exports an array of objects or strings that are consumed by various components in the project.

Customization and Styling

Styles can be customized in the tailwind.config.js file and add your custom styles in the src/styles/globals.css.

To customize the colors, you can edit the theme section in the tailwind.config.js file.

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
        colors: {
            // Light mode colors
            'light-theme': '#E9EBEC', // Background color for light mode
            'primary-light': '#FBD144', // Primary color for light mode
            'primary-hover-light': '#FFE071', // Primary hover color for light mode

            // Dark mode colors
            'dark-theme': '#0C151D', // Background color for dark mode
            'primary-dark': '#FFE071', // Primary color for dark mode
            'primary-hover-dark': '#FBD144', // Primary hover color for dark mode
            'n200': '#d7d9da', // Text color for dark mode

            // Neutrals
            'n900': '#222222', // this is the color for the Navbar and other elements
            'n700': '#171F26', // Text color for light mode
            'n500': '#555555', // Text color secundary texts, borders, etc


Deploy to Netlify

Or follow the steps below:

  1. Build the project:

    npm run build

    This will generate the static files in the dist directory.

  2. FTP Deployment:

    Upload the contents of the dist directory to your web server using FTP.

  3. Vercel Deployment:

    Follow the steps on the Vercel website to deploy your Astro project.

  4. GitHub Pages Deployment:

    You can also deploy to GitHub Pages by pushing the dist folder to the gh-pages branch of your repository.



  • Upgraded from Astro v5 beta to v5 stable.
  • Initial release with Astro v5.


  • Added Blog feature. Now you can add your blog posts in the src/content/posts directory.
  • Added a changelog section to the README file.
  • Refactored Layout component and other pages.
  • Added two example blog post that help you how to change some things in this template.


GitHub Repository

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.