- When adding new files, add
files to theCore/Inc/
directories, respectively. In order for these files to be seen by the compiler, we need to add them toCMakeLists.txt
. Simply add the.c
files to thetarget_sources(stm32cubemx INTERFACE
list section. The.h
files will be included automatically.
Documentation for the HAL libraries could be found here: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cube-mcu-mpu-packages/documentation.html
For specifically STM32F0 processors, see here: https://www.st.com/resource/en/user_manual/um1785-description-of-stm32f0-hal-and-lowlayer-drivers-stmicroelectronics.pdf
Different file-open modes: http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/doc/open.html
Good blog on STM32 "gotcha's": http://www.efton.sk/STM32/gotcha/index.html
Note: We'll measure the VBATT_QTR, Thermisters, Isense, 2.5V net, etc. after a full frame read of the halls
- Select MUX 0,0
- Start ADC with interrupt
- Save value in global array (for correct px idx)
- Increment idx
- Increment MUX sel
- Start Timer 7 with interrupt (This will wait for propagation delay for level shifter and settling delay for analog mux)
- If idx == NUM_PX, then start changing the ADC channels to get the extra adc values.
- In Timer 7 ISR:
- Start ADC with interrupt again
In main(), we will constantly be iterating through the hall ADC values and changing the LED colors. We will still be able to stop/start the ADC interrupt from within main() using HAL_ADC_Stop_IT().
- Level shifter: max of 12ns
- Analog mux: max of 60ns (might be safe to double this)
Delay to program in: 1us (count of 48, no prescaler)