Free as in freedom collection of links and link description.
The current change log can be found here.
- Add a bin that cleans the history
- Only the history of the last year (with all its commits) should be visible
- If there is a full year available
- Put all this commits into
- One tag
- One commit
- Put all this commits into
# fetch git log between two dates
git log --since "DEC 1 2014" --until "DEC 5 2014"
# rebase last four commits on top of HEAD
git rebase HEAD~4
# As example
# Fetch latest commit id for date in the past
git log --until "DEC 31 2017" --pretty=format:"%h" | head -n 1
# Fetch number of commits available in the past
git log --until "DEC 31 2017" | grep -c commit