Multi-container setup to run Spotweb. It uses a MariaDB container and a combined PHP-FPM and nginx container.
(Optionally) To build the containers yourself:
$ docker build --rm -t steynovich/spotweb:latest .
To initially run the containers:
$ docker-compose up
Database credentials as used in the MariaDB containers are also passed to the container running PHP. When launching it will automatically create the database structure if needed (e.g. on the first run).
Default username is 'admin' and the default password is 'spotweb'. Please change it directly after booting up the containers.
Now point your browser to the host running the nginx container: You will be automatically redirected to After logging in spotweb needs to be configured to use a Usenet server and to handle NZBs properly. More information on this can be found on the spotweb github (
To stop the spotweb containers run:
$ docker-compose stop
To start the spotweb containers run:
$ docker-compose start
New spots are downloaded every hour using the '@hourly' timestamp in cron. Running the cronjob for the first time will take a while. The time and storage required to store all the posts can be limited by disabling the retrieval of spot comments in the settings area.
If you - for some reason - want to delete the containers run:
$ docker-compose down
Afterwards (intermediate containers) can be deleted.
To delete the self-built images run:
$ docker rmi steynovich/spotweb:latest
$ docker rm spotweb_db spotweb_cache