ActsAsTranslated is a gem for easy attribute translation. It works with localized versions of an attribute and switches between the localized version, using the I18n.locale setting.
In your bundler Gemfile
gem 'acts_as_translated', '~> 1.0'
Create localized attributes on your model by extending the attribute with the locale.
Your migration file should look like this;
create_table :countries do |t|
t.string :name_nl
t.string :name_fr
t.string :name_en
Create a class;
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_translated :name
Use it in your views, controllers, ... Use the non-localized version of the attribute (in this case "name").
<%= %>
Combine multiple attributes at once when specifying localized attributes;
acts_as_translated :name, :description
By default, the gem defaults back to english, but you can specify another default
acts_as_translated :slug
acts_as_translated :name, :description, default: :fr
To transition smoothly from the previous versions of acts_as_translated, the gem will currently support array styled definitions, as such;
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_translated [:name, :description]
But this will be removed in future versions as the preferred way is to write;
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
acts_as_translated :name, :description
I've started development on this gem in 2008, way before I18n was considered the de-facto standard gem for internationalising a Ruby or Ruby-on-Rails app. The gem originated as a lib file and eventually made its way into a gem as the code was being used in multiple projects.
The gem has been available for a few years now and serves in various production code.