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Box plot

Colleen Reilly edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 4 revisions

Similar to the violin plot, the box plot (aka whisker plot) displays the distribution of at least one continuous variable. The box plot appears as a tab in the summary plot chart type. Users may either plot one or two continuous variables.

Select calculation descriptions


The whiskers are calculated as Q1 - (1.5 * IQR) and Q3 - (1.5 * IQR), respectively.

Control descriptions


Like the other summary plots, users may select a variable to overlay the box plot. The overlay term maybe a continuous term or non-continuous variable if the first variable is a continuous variable.


Users may increase the width of the overall box plot in pixels.

Plot height and padding

Both the plot height and padding are in pixels. Changing either one changes the individual box plots. The padding refers to the space between the box plots.

Dark mode

Checking on the Dark mode adds a black background and changes all text to white. This is particularly useful when the default plot colors are very light.