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Ryan Heaton edited this page Jun 20, 2024 · 10 revisions

Documentation Module

The documentation deployment module is responsible for generating the HTML documentation for the API, including links to any other static content such as client libraries.


The configuration for the documentation deployment module is specified by the docs element under the modules element in the Enunciate configuration file. The following attributes are supported on the docs element:

attribute description
docsDir The "docsDir" attribute is the directory to which the documentation will be put.
docsSubdir The "docsSubdir" attribute is the subdirectory (relative to docsDir) to which the documentation will be put. The default is the root.
css The "css" attribute is used to specify the file to be used as the cascading stylesheet for the HTML. If one isn't supplied, a default will be provided.
indexPageName The "indexPageName" attribute is used to specify the name of the generated index page. Default: "index.html"
freemarkerTemplate The "freemarkerTemplate" attribute specifies the file that is the freemarker processing template to use to generate the site. If none is supplied, a default one will be used.
base The "base" attribute specifies a gzipped file or a directory to use as the documentation base. If none is supplied, a default base will be provided.
disableResourceLinks The "disableResourceLinks" attribute is used to determine whether to disable the new window links to the resources. Default: false.
faviconUri The (absolute or relative) URI to the favicon for the generated documentation. Default is to have no favicon.
includeApplicationPath Whether to include the application path in the generated documentation. Default: false. Since: Enunciate 2.4.
apiRelativePath The relative path from the docs to the API. By default, the API relative path will be calculated based on docsSubdir. Since: Enunciate 2.6.
includeDataTypesHomeIndex Whether to include the data types list on the index page. Default: true. Since: Enunciate 2.12.


The docs element supports the following child elements:


There can be any number of "download" elements specified. This element is used to indicate another file or Enunciate artifact that is to be included in the "downloads" page. The download element supports the following attributes:

  • The "name" attribute specifies a name for the download.
  • The "artifact" attribute specifies the id of an Enunciate artifact that is to be included as a download.
  • The "file" attribute specifies a file on the filesystem that is to be included as a download. This attribute is ignored if the "artifact" attribute is set.
  • The "description" attribute includes a description of the download. This attribute is ignored if the "artifact" attribute is set.


You can apply additinoal css files to the generated documentation. Use the "file" attribute to specify the additional css file to apply.


Facet configuration for the module. See Facets.

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