Example to create the barcode above: (from test/repoUrl.ts)
// Generates a barcode for use in the README.md
import { Encoder } from "https://deno.land/x/data_matrix/mod.ts";
const symbols = new Encoder();
await Deno.writeFile(
); // 351 bytes
There are other encodings available: encodeText, encodeC40, encodeX12 and encodeAscii.
All except X12 may accept any ASCII character and this code will do the apropriate work to get a desired character. In general, if you're working with mostly lower-case text, use Text; and use C40 for mostly upper-case text; The number of 'shifts' to different character sets will be reduced.
// Important: Hyphens will be dropped.
X12 has the most limitations and it may be suitable for unique id or product codes keeping in mind the characters may not fall outside the specification, and this library will silently drop them if provided.