Babel plugin to replace ES6 tagged template strings with the HTMLBars.precompile
d version of it:
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
module("my view");
test("inline templates ftw", function(assert) {
var view = Ember.View.create({
greeting: "inline template world",
template: hbs`
<span>hello {{view.greeting}}</span>
assert.equal(view.$().html().trim(), "<span>hello inline template world</span>");
results in
module("my view");
test("inline templates ftw", function(assert) {
var view = Ember.View.create({
greeting: "inline template world",
template: Ember.HTMLBars.template(function() {
/* crazy HTMLBars template function stuff */
assert.equal(view.$().html().trim(), "<span>hello inline template world</span>");
If the template is compact, a normal string can be passed as argument as well:
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
module("my view");
test("inline templates ftw", function(assert) {
var view = Ember.View.create({
greeting: "inline template world",
template: hbs('<h1>{{view.greeting}}</h1>')
assert.equal(view.$().html().trim(), "<h1>inline template world</h1>");
var HTMLBarsCompiler = require('./bower_components/ember/ember-template-compiler');
var HTMLBarsInlinePrecompile = require('babel-plugin-htmlbars-inline-precompile');
require('babel').transform("code", {
plugins: [
[HTMLBarsInlinePrecompile, {precompile: HTMLBarsCompiler.precompile}],