NOTE: for Golang
Make sure your PATH
includes the $GOPATH/bin
directory, so that your commands can be easily used Refer: Install the Go Tools:
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Depending on your operating system, you will need to install:
On Unix
- A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCC
On macOS
- Xcode : You also need to install the XCode Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install. Alternatively, if you already have the full Xcode installed, you can find them under the menu Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> More Developer Tools.... This step will install clang, clang++, and make.
On Windows
- Install Visual C++ Build Environment: Visual Studio Build Tools (using "Visual C++ build tools" workload) or Visual Studio 2017 Community (using the "Desktop development with C++" workload)
- Make sure you have access to
folder inside the directory where Python is installed. To do this navigate to the directory where Python is installed, if you get an error "Permission Denied", follow the instruction in the message box and allow access usingsecurity tab
. - Install appropriate GCC compiler (for example TDM-GCC). Make sure g++ listed in PATH.
Please ensure you have Python 3.x and pip installed on your system. If you have Python version 3.4 or later, pip is included by default. uplink-python does not support Python 2.x.
$ python
Install uplink-python python package with --no-cache-dir
tag if re-installing or upgrading from the previous version, otherwise, the tag can be ignored (using Terminal/Powershell/CMD as Administrator
$ pip install --no-cache-dir uplink-python
Note: If
privilege is not granted to the terminal/cmd, the build process may fail.
Follow these steps to set-up binding manually or if
fails to build using Option 1.
- Install uplink-python python package (using Terminal/Powershell/CMD) if not already done in
Option 1
$ pip install uplink-python
- Clone storj-uplink-c package to any location of your choice, using cmd/terminal navigate to
and run:
$ git clone -b v1.2.2
- After cloning the package, navigate to the
$ cd uplink-c
- Create '.so' file at
folder, by using following command:
$ go build -o -buildmode=c-shared
Copy created file into the folder, where Python package was installed (by default it is python3.X
uplink_python) -
Important notice: if you have 32-bit python on 64-bit machine .so file will not work correctly. There are 2 solutions:
- Switch to 64-bit python
- Set appropriate GO environment variables GOOS and GOARCH (details) and compile uplink-c
To include uplink in your project, import the library, by using the following command:
from uplink_python.uplink import Uplink
Create an object of Uplink
class to access all the functions of the library. Please refer to the sample file, for example.
variable_name = Uplink()
To use various parameters such as ListBucketsOptions, ListObjectsOptions, Permissions, etc you would require to import them first from module_classes i.e. uplink_python.module_classes.
from uplink_python.module_classes import DownloadOptions, Permission
To use various user-defined Storj Exceptions such as InternalError, BucketNotFoundError, etc you would require to import them first from errors i.e. uplink_python.errors.
from uplink_python.errors import InternalError, BucketNotFoundError
File can be found in the folder where the Python package was installed.
The sample code calls the file and imports the Uplink binding class to do the following:
- list all buckets in a Storj project
- create a new bucket (if it does not exist) within the desired Storj project
- write a file from local computer to the Storj bucket
- read back the object from the Storj bucket to the local system for verification
- list all objects in a bucket
- delete bucket from a Storj project
- create shareable Access with permissions and shared prefix.
- list all buckets and objects with permission to shareable access.
Directory with unit test cases test can be found in the uplink-python repository.
To run the test cases on a local system, you need to perform the following steps:
clone the repo so that you have the test folder on your local system.
directory_on_local └── test └── └── test_data └──
Add a test file parallel to the tests folder, add
in the file, and name it assecret.txt
. The directory structure would be something like this now:directory_on_local └── secret.txt └── test └── └── test_data └──
Navigate to the folder, here
and use the following command to run through all the tests.$ python3 -m unittest test/ -v
For more information on function definations and diagrams, check out the Detail or jump to: