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Docs Generation - No inputs found for this component | Typescript | React #13304

jamesdalel opened this issue Nov 26, 2020 · 28 comments


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Describe the bug
I'm trying to get the storybook to auto implement the docs using the @storybook/addon-docs. The project consists of react and typescript. So far I have updated the npx sb upgrade and added @storybook/addon-docs to the addons in main.js. From the documentation I just expected this to work however I'm seeing No inputs found for this component. Read the docs when I access the docs page within my storybook application.

I have tried a few things including trying to set docgen: 'react-docgen-typescript'

To Reproduce
I have an existing storybook app, which has various components.

  1. Go to Docs section of a component

Expected behavior
The Docs page should show the correct props


Code snippets
Current Addons

addons: [

Current Packages

    "@storybook/addon-actions": "6.1.7",
    "@storybook/addon-info": "5.3.21",
    "@storybook/addon-knobs": "6.1.7",
    "@storybook/addon-viewport": "6.1.7",
    "@storybook/react": "6.1.7",
   "@storybook/addon-docs": "6.1.7",
   "react": "16.12.0",

Example Story

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { text, boolean } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import Checkbox from '.';

export const normal = () => (
    onChange={action('Checkbox changed')}
    checked={boolean('checked', false)}
    {text('children', 'Check Me Out')}

export default {
  component: Checkbox,
  title: 'Checkbox',
  decorators: [withKnobs],
interface Props extends InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> {
  id: string
  onChange?: (event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void
  checked?: boolean
  name?: string
const Checkbox: FC<Props> = ({
  name, id, onChange, checked, children, ...props
}) => (
                  onChange={(event) => {

export default Checkbox


Environment Info:

    OS: macOS 10.15.7
    CPU: (16) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
    Node: 12.18.3 - /usr/local/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.4 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
    npm: 6.14.6 - /usr/local/bin/npm
    Chrome: 87.0.4280.67
    Safari: 14.0.1
    @storybook/addon-actions: 6.1.7 => 6.1.7 
    @storybook/addon-docs: ^6.1.7 => 6.1.7 
    @storybook/addon-info: 5.3.21 => 5.3.21 
    @storybook/addon-knobs: 6.1.7 => 6.1.7 
    @storybook/addon-viewport: 6.1.7 => 6.1.7 
    @storybook/react: 6.1.7 => 6.1.7 

Additional context

The app also uses CSS Modules, not sure if that affects how everything is put together

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shilman commented Nov 27, 2020

Can you remove addon-info from package.json and reinstall? If that doesn't work, do you have a repro repo you can share?

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pauliusef commented Nov 27, 2020

@shilman I'm experiencing similar issue where Storybook doesn't generate Docs for a component story. I have a simple example repo based on the latest Storybook packages (installed with npx sb init. The Docs aren't properly generated for components that are export as default export from a file that is named using kebab-case.

I did run DEBUG=docgen:* yarn storybook to get some debug output from react-docgen-typescript and noticed the difference in setting displayName. For default exports it's set all lowercase, which probably doesn't match with what Storybook is looking for when generating Docs page for that components story.

 docgen:docs try {
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     ButtonNamed.displayName = "ButtonNamed";
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     ButtonNamed.__docgenInfo = { "description": "Primary UI component for user interaction", "displayName": "ButtonNamed", "props": { "primary": { "defaultValue": { value: false }, "description": "Is this the principal call to action on the page?", "name": "primary", "required": false, "type": { "name": "boolean" } }, "backgroundColor": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "What background color to use", "name": "backgroundColor", "required": false, "type": { "name": "string" } }, "size": { "defaultValue": { value: "medium" }, "description": "How large should the button be?", "name": "size", "required": false, "type": { "name": "\"small\" | \"medium\" | \"large\"" } }, "label": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Button contents", "name": "label", "required": true, "type": { "name": "string" } }, "onClick": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Optional click handler", "name": "onClick", "required": false, "type": { "name": "(() => void)" } } } };
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     if (typeof STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES !== "undefined")
  docgen:docs         // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs         STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES["src/components/button-named.tsx#ButtonNamed"] = { docgenInfo: ButtonNamed.__docgenInfo, name: "ButtonNamed", path: "src/components/button-named.tsx#ButtonNamed" };
  docgen:docs }
  docgen:docs catch (__react_docgen_typescript_loader_error) { } +0ms
  docgen:docs try {
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     buttondefault.displayName = "buttondefault";
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     buttondefault.__docgenInfo = { "description": "Primary UI component for user interaction", "displayName": "buttondefault", "props": { "primary": { "defaultValue": { value: false }, "description": "Is this the principal call to action on the page?", "name": "primary", "required": false, "type": { "name": "boolean" } }, "backgroundColor": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "What background color to use", "name": "backgroundColor", "required": false, "type": { "name": "string" } }, "size": { "defaultValue": { value: "medium" }, "description": "How large should the button be?", "name": "size", "required": false, "type": { "name": "\"small\" | \"medium\" | \"large\"" } }, "label": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Button contents", "name": "label", "required": true, "type": { "name": "string" } }, "onClick": { "defaultValue": null, "description": "Optional click handler", "name": "onClick", "required": false, "type": { "name": "(() => void)" } } } };
  docgen:docs     // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs     if (typeof STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES !== "undefined")
  docgen:docs         // @ts-ignore
  docgen:docs         STORYBOOK_REACT_CLASSES["src/components/button-default.tsx#buttondefault"] = { docgenInfo: buttondefault.__docgenInfo, name: "buttondefault", path: "src/components/button-default.tsx#buttondefault" };
  docgen:docs }
  docgen:docs catch (__react_docgen_typescript_loader_error) { } +5ms

Example repo:

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I think this could probably be raised as an issue with react-docgen-typescript package. Let me know what you think and I'll share this issue on their repo as well.

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CraigCowling79 commented Dec 15, 2020

One thing we found recently when we had some stories documenting props and some not was that those those that were working were using components that were exported when they were declared and those that didn't did not include this.

export const Widget: React.FC<WidgetProps> = ({
const Widget: React.FC<WidgetProps> = ({x

After adding export to the beginning of all of our components, all stories began documenting as expected.

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Lueton commented Dec 27, 2020

One thing we found recently when we had some stories documenting props and some not was that those those that were working were using components that were exported when they were declared and those that didn't did not include this.

export const Widget: React.FC<WidgetProps> = ({
const Widget: React.FC<WidgetProps> = ({x

After adding export to the beginning of all of our components, all stories began documenting as expected.

That was exactly my problem! That should be fixed, right?

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I have components that are exported later as a default that do work and others written the same way that don't

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william-will-angi commented Sep 23, 2021

Thank you @CraigCowling79! Took me forever to figure that out.

Would be cool if we could write components as

const Component: React.FC<Prop> = ({
export default Component

and still have the controls inferred

Edit: Looks like the props are inferred even when using the default export, but the named export still has to be there.

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penx commented Oct 1, 2021

I'm finding that docs will generate for this:


import React from 'react';

export const Button = (props: ButtonOwnProps) => <div />;
export interface ButtonOwnProps {
   * Some prop
  someProp?: boolean;

export default Button;

But docs gen will fail if I add a type declaration (: React.FC<ButtonOwnProps>):

Doesn't work:

import React from 'react';

export const Button: React.FC<ButtonOwnProps> = (props: ButtonOwnProps) => <div />;
export interface ButtonOwnProps {
   * Some prop
  someProp?: boolean;

export default Button;

This can be resolved by replacing import React from 'react'; with import * as React from 'react';


import * as React from 'react';

export const Button: React.FC<ButtonOwnProps> = (props: ButtonOwnProps) => <div />;
export interface ButtonOwnProps {
   * Some prop
  someProp?: boolean;

export default Button;

Also worth noting this is hard to recreate as the docs gen seems to cache information, so you have to restart storybook to be sure of what the breaking changes are!

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shilman commented Oct 2, 2021

Thanks @penx -- very interesting. We rely on a dependency called react-docgen-typescript to produce good types, which in turn relies on the TypeScript compiler. We're in the process of rearchitecting the Storybook side of the equation to make ArgType extraction faster and simpler. After the refactor I'd like to invest time in improving or replacing react-docgen-typescript to better handle all the edge cases.

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penx commented Oct 2, 2021

It seems that react-docgen-typescript is not respecting allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true (or esModuleInterop) if you have it in your project's tsconfig.json:

When set to true, allowSyntheticDefaultImports allows you to write an import like:

import React from "react";

instead of:

import * as React from "react";


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rwieruch commented Feb 23, 2022

Using the latest version: 6.4.19

Can it be that subcomponents are not inferred at all?

storiesOf('First Steps/Table', module)
    component: Table,
    subcomponents: {

If I put Row or Cell as component, I see their inferred props. But not when I put them as subcomponents.

Also I noticed that children do not get inferred.

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ciampo commented Mar 23, 2022

We may have incurred in the same issue in WordPress/gutenberg#39468 (comment)

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tgshell commented Apr 27, 2022

same issue too

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smellai commented Jun 14, 2022

We have this issue in components with generics. The args table is restored if we force the typecast in this way (last row):

import React, { ComponentPropsWithRef, ElementType, forwardRef } from 'react';

type OverridableLinkBaseProps<C extends ElementType = 'a'> = ComponentPropsWithRef<'a'> & {
  component?: C;

export type OverridableLinkProps<C extends ElementType = 'a'> = OverridableLinkBaseProps<C> &
  Omit<ComponentPropsWithRef<C>, keyof OverridableLinkBaseProps<C>>;

function OverridableLinkBase<C extends React.ElementType>(
  props: OverridableLinkProps<C>,
  ref: ComponentPropsWithRef<C>['ref']
) {
  const { component: Component = 'a', } = props;

  return <Component ref={ref} {} />;

// We use typecasting to force args table to show up in Storybook
export const OverridableLink = forwardRef(OverridableLinkBase) as typeof OverridableLinkBase;

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Same issue here; workarounds aren't working either.

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ereminnf commented Jul 15, 2022

My problem was that I was using export default or displayName in the forwardRef component.

version react: 17.0.2
version @storybook/react: 6.5.9

Doesn't work:

export interface ButtonProps extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> {
    // ...

const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>((props, ref) => {
    // ...
    return (
        <button className={classNames.root} {} {...attrs} ref={ref}>

export default Button

Doesn't work:

export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>((props, ref) => {
    // ...

Button.displayName = 'RuiButton'



export const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps>((props, ref) => {
    // ...
    return (
        <button className={classNames.root} {} {...attrs} ref={ref}>

Button.displayName = 'Button' // or remove


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Same issue here.

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Maysjtu commented Nov 8, 2022

Same issue here.

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Same issue here.

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lucasmaffazioli commented Feb 3, 2023

In my case, if is default export it doesn't work. I have a polymorphic component.

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ChangHyun2 commented Feb 8, 2023

storybook : 6.5.16
addon-docs : 6.5.16

NOT work

const Checkbox: React.FC<CheckboxProps> = ({ children }) => {
  return (
      <input type="checkbox" className={s.checkbox}>

export default Checkbox;

xuesichao added a commit to aws/amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react that referenced this issue Apr 6, 2023
xuesichao added a commit to aws/amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react that referenced this issue Apr 6, 2023
@shilman shilman removed the PN label Apr 24, 2023
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This issue has been open for 2 years, and this bug has persisted until version 7. It's not normal for Storybook to force an export pattern for my components. This issue should escalate in priority or at least for the maintainers to give us a solution.

xuesichao added a commit to aws/amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react that referenced this issue May 12, 2023
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sag1v commented May 23, 2023

@ivanzamarro I agree. In our case, no matter what type of export we have, we can't make it work (after a migration from v6 to v7).

worked fine on v6, doesn't work on v7.

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@sag1v In our case, we have decided to stick with version 6 for the same problem, even having to do some hacks in the rendering of component props, but that's another separate issue.

If there's anything we can help you with, feel free to reach out.

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sag1v commented May 23, 2023

@sag1v In our case, we have decided to stick with version 6 for the same problem, even having to do some hacks in the rendering of component props, but that's another separate issue.

If there's anything we can help you with, feel free to reach out.

Thanks a lot @ivanzamarro
In our case we need to move to v7 because our Design system is being upgraded to react18.
AFAIK, Storybook v6 won't render with the new API of react-dom v18.

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sag1v commented May 23, 2023

@ivanzamarro See my comment here. I think i found the issue or at least a part of it and a possible way to workaround it.

simmkyu added a commit to aws/amazon-chime-sdk-component-library-react that referenced this issue May 31, 2023
* Migrate stories of Badge, Button, Checkbox and FormField to addon-controls

* Migrate from themeprovider-storybook to @storybook/addon-styling

* Deprecate SFC

* List children prop explicitly in type definition

* Run linter to fix format issue

* Fix type error in PopOver

* Migrate integration test demo to react 18

* Migrate to storybook v7

* Rename *.stories.mdx files to *.mdx

* Migrate stories for SDK Components

* Migrate stories for Providers and Hooks

* Export components from their declaration statement to be able to populate ArgTypes

Check this storybook issue: storybookjs/storybook#13304 (comment).

* Migrate stories of Badge, Button, Checkbox and FormField to storybook v7 style

* Migrate Radio UI Component

* Upgrade styled-components to latest version

* Migrate stories for icons

* Upgrade Flex component story

* Fix flex stack story

* Migrate stories for several components

* Migrate stories for more components

* Migrate more stories for components

* Migrate stories for reset components

* Add copyright and changelog

* Add react 18 support in peerDependencies

* Fix broken links in the storybook

* Fix unit tests

* Re-generate package-lock.json to mitigate "... when your package.json and package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync" error


Co-authored-by: Venkatesh Devale <>
Co-authored-by: Kyu Simm <>
@shilman shilman removed the todo label Jun 20, 2023
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github-actions bot commented Oct 7, 2023

Hi there! Thank you for opening this issue, but it has been marked as stale because we need more information to move forward. Could you please provide us with the requested reproduction or additional information that could help us better understand the problem? We'd love to resolve this issue, but we can't do it without your help!

@github-actions github-actions bot added the Stale label Oct 7, 2023
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What other information is needed for this one?

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