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Philipp Stracker edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

In case you want to help me maintain this package, you can contribute by sending a pull request via GitHub. This page should help you with that.

1. Fork this repo

To create your copy of this repo, click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of the screen.

Now you have a repository with the name codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper in your GitHub account.

2. Create a local dev package

Next, you need to install your forked package on your local machine to modify files and test changes:

cd ~/my-packages                  # Download your fork into a local directory.
git clone<your-account>/codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper.git
cd codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper    # Enter the local package directory.
npm link                          # Create a global link on your machine.

cd ~/my-project                        # Enter your project directory.
npm remove codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper # Remove official package from your project.
npm link codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper   # Link install the local package.

Modify the files in your local folder ~/my-packages/codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper. All changes are reflected in real-time in your project ~/my-project.

Read more about npm link.

3. Create a pull-request

When you have completed and tested your local changes, simply commit them to your forked repo. After that, create a pull-request in GitHub:

cd ~/my-packages/codeceptjs-pixelmatchhelper # Enter the local package folder.
git add .                                    # Stage all changes.
git commit -m "Description"                  # Commit staged changes.
git push -u origin master                    # Push commit to your GitHub account.

Then open your forked repo on, navigate to the "Pull Requests" tab (in the top-left area) and create a new Pull Request.

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