This REPO contains the latest example code from the Gatsby / Strapi Video Tutorial Series. You can review the code directly, within the following directories.
NOTE: This is the BETA version of Strapi, ALPHA is not being maintained.
Code examples for the folder "cms".
Path: ./tutorial/cms
<- Strapi Project -
Code examples for the folder "blog".
Path: ./tutorial/blog
. <- Gatsby Project
Create a folder, e.g. ./my-project
and git clone
this repo.
cd my-project
git clone
From your command line, issue the following commands in order to install this Strapi and Gatsby project:
Path: ./my-project/
git clone
cd strapi-heroku-cms-demo
cd cms
npm install
strapi build
Once installed, you will need to do a few steps to replicate the final production environment (this steps are done also when you first upload and install to Heroku or other production environment):
- Create a User: Under CONTENT TYPES -> Users - add a user.
- Set WYIWYG to Visible: Under PLUGINS -> Content Manager -> Article -> [Tab] Edit View(Settings) -> Click on
-> Scroll down and toggle Display as WYSIWYG toON
. - Allow API Access: Under PLUGINS -> Roles & Permissions -> Public -> Article (check find and findone), User (check find and findone)
- Enter your Cloudinary Credentials: Under PLUGINS -> FILES UPLOAD - COGWHEEL
- Add Content: Under CONTENT TYPES -> Articles -> add content.
Test you local API routes
You will need to have a Heroku account, and the Heroku CLI installed. Heroku install instructions
Do these steps to upload your Strapi project to Heroku:
- Login to Heroku:
heroku login
- Initilize Git:
git init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial Commit"
- Create a Heroku project (with a unique name for the URL)
heroku create my-uniquely-named-strapi-project
- setup database configuration (DO NOT CUT AND PASTE - USE OWN SETTINGS)
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
heroku config
heroku config:set DATABASE_USERNAME=example
heroku config:set DATABASE_PASSWORD=example
heroku config:set
heroku config:set DATABASE_PORT=5432
heroku config:set DATABASE_NAME=example
- Push project to Heroku.
git push heroku master
Open your app project, and redo these steps to match your Development Environment:
Create a User: Under CONTENT TYPES -> Users - add a user.
Set WYIWYG to Visible: Under PLUGINS -> Content Manager -> Article -> [Tab] Edit View(Settings) -> Click on
-> Scroll down and toggle Display as WYSIWYG toON
. -
Allow API Access: Under PLUGINS -> Roles & Permissions -> Public -> Article (check find and findone), User (check find and findone)
Enter your Cloudinary Credentials: Under PLUGINS -> FILES UPLOAD - COGWHEEL
Add Content: Under CONTENT TYPES -> Articles -> add content.
After you add content, you can go ahead and follow the next steps to create the Gatsby part of the project.
Open a new tab in your command line, and navigate to ./strapi-heroku-cms-demo/blog/
Path: ./strapi-heroku-cms-demo/blog
npm install
gatsby develop
You can now check to see if Gatsby is running http://localhost:8000.
You will need to create a separate repo to push just the Gatsby part of the project and which will link to Netlify.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Locate this code and replace the URL to match the URL from your Heroku install:
Path: ./blog/gatsby-config.js
resolve: `gatsby-source-strapi`,
options: {
apiURL: process.env.DEPLOY_URL
? ""
: "http://localhost:1337",
contentTypes: [`article`, `user`],
queryLimit: 1000,
- Login to Netlify with
netlify login
You will need to link netlify to this repo. Use the netlify init to do so.
netlify init
After configuring Netlify (see tutorial), you need to commit all the changes:
Commit these changes:
git add .
git commit -m "git commit -m "netlify config settings files"
git push
netlify open
The last step is to set-up the Netlify Webhook URL so it updates:
From your App, go to: Settings -> Build & deploy -> Continuous deployment -> Build hooks
- Click Add build hook
- Give your app a build hook name, e.g. strapiUpdate
- Save it and then copy the issued URL to the clipboard
Change the staticWebsiteBuildURL variable found in
These changes occur on your Strapi Project.
Path: ./cms/config/environments/production/custom.json
Replace the link with your link for the staticWebsiteBuildURL
Commit these changes:
git add .
git commit -m "Add webhook support"
git push heroku master
You are now ready to test and play with this installation. You can build or change this.
NOTE: You have NOT created a Repo for the Strapi part of the project, but this is highly recommended.