These are drop-in PHP pages and libraries for adding invite code restrictions to your Flamework application.
In keeping with the rest of Flamework the term "drop-in" is used loosely. It really means copy and adjust to taste. It takes a bit longer to get set up but it also means there is rarely any magic and you're forced to get at a least a cursory understanding of how the pieces fit together.
If you're wondering how that means you deal with updated to flamework-invitecodes it means that you deal with them by copying the newer files in to your application as they are released. It's not ideal but it also cuts down on the surprises.
- schema/db_main.schema
To will need to copy these files in to your Flamework application:
You will need to add the following config flags to your config.php file:
$GLOBALS['cfg']['crypto_invite_secret'] = '';
$GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_invite_codes'] = 1;
$GLOBALS['cfg']['invite_codes_allow_signedin_users'] = 0;
You will need to add the following rewrite rules to your .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^invite/?$ invite.php?%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^invite(?:/([^/]+))?/?$ invite.php?code=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['enable_feature_invite_codes']){
if (! $GLOBALS['cfg']['crypto_invite_secret']){
log_fatal("undefined secret for invite codes");
if (! invite_codes_get_by_cookie()){
$cookie = login_get_cookie('invite');
if (! $cookie){
header("location: /invite/?redir=" . urlencode("/foo/bar/"));
# the rest of your code including any checks to see whether
# this is a logged in user; the invite code cookie is only
# concerened with invite codes.