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The AoP plugin supports only the 0-9-1 protocol with basic produce and consume functionalities, and does not include advanced features such as transactions. It is available as an open-source plugin and is only offered as a private preview feature in the Private Cloud distribution as an experimental feature. It is not available on StreamNative Cloud. Please use it with caution.

AMQP on Pulsar (AoP)

AoP stands for AMQP on Pulsar. AoP broker supports AMQP0-9-1 protocol, and is backed by Pulsar.

AoP is implemented as a Pulsar ProtocolHandler with protocol name "amqp". ProtocolHandler is built as a nar file, and is loaded when Pulsar Broker starts.


AoP is implemented based on Pulsar features. However, the methods of using Pulsar and using AMQP are different. The following are some limitations of AoP.

  • Currently, the AoP protocol handler supports AMQP0-9-1 protocol and only supports durable exchange and durable queue.
  • A Vhost is backed by a namespace which can only have one bundle. You need to create a namespace in advance for the Vhost.
  • AoP is supported on Pulsar 2.6.1 or later releases.

Get started

In this guide, you will learn how to use the Pulsar broker to serve requests from AMQP client.

Download Pulsar

Download Pulsar 2.6.1 binary package apache-pulsar-2.6.1-bin.tar.gz. and unzip it.

Download and Build AoP Plugin

You can download aop nar file from the AoP releases.

To build from code, complete the following steps:

  1. Clone the project from GitHub to your local.
git clone
cd aop
  1. Build the project.
mvn clean install -DskipTests

You can find the nar file in the following directory.



Name Description Default
amqpTenant AMQP on Pulsar broker tenant public
amqpListeners AMQP service port amqp://
amqpMaxNoOfChannels The maximum number of channels which can exist concurrently on a connection 64
amqpMaxFrameSize The maximum frame size on a connection 4194304 (4MB)
amqpHeartBeat The default heartbeat timeout of AoP connection 60 (s)
amqpProxyPort The AMQP proxy service port 5682
amqpProxyEnable Whether to start proxy service false

Configure Pulsar broker to run AoP protocol handler as Plugin

As mentioned above, AoP module is loaded with Pulsar broker. You need to add configs in Pulsar's config file, such as broker.conf or standalone.conf.

  1. Protocol handler configuration

You need to add messagingProtocols(the default value is null) and protocolHandlerDirectory (the default value is "./protocols"), in Pulsar configuration files, such as broker.conf or standalone.conf. For AoP, the value for messagingProtocols is amqp; the value for protocolHandlerDirectory is the directory of AoP nar file.

The following is an example.

  1. Set AMQP service listeners

Set AMQP service listeners. Note that the hostname value in listeners is the same as Pulsar broker's advertisedAddress.

The following is an example.


Run Pulsar broker

With the above configuration, you can start your Pulsar broker. For details, refer to Pulsar Get started guides.

cd apache-pulsar-2.6.1
bin/pulsar standalone

Run AMQP Client to verify

Log level configuration

In Pulsar log4j2.yaml config file, you can set AoP log level.

The following is an example.

      - name: io.streamnative.pulsar.handlers.amqp
        level: debug
        additivity: false
          - ref: Console

AoP configuration

There is also other configs that can be changed and placed into Pulsar broker config file. <!what's the "other configs"?>



If you want to make contributions to AMQP on Pulsar, follow the following steps.

  1. Install system dependency.

From version 2.11.0, the AoP need JDK 17.

Dependency Installation guide
Java 17
  1. Clone code to your machine.
  2. Build the project.

    mvn install -DskipTests

Contribution workflow

Step 1: Fork

  1. Visit
  2. Click Fork button (top right) to establish a cloud-based fork.

Step 2: Clone fork to local machine

Create your clone.

$ cd $working_dir
$ git clone$user/aop

Set your clone to track upstream repository.

$ cd $working_dir/aop
$ git remote add upstream

Use the git remote -v command, you find the output looks as follows:

origin$user/aop.git (fetch)
origin$user/aop.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

Step 3: Keep your branch in sync

Get your local master up to date.

$ cd $working_dir/aop
$ git checkout master
$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master
$ git push origin master 

Step 4: Create your branch

Branch from master.

$ git checkout -b myfeature

Step 5: Edit the code

You can now edit the code on the myfeature branch.

Step 6: Commit

Commit your changes.

$ git add <filename>
$ git commit -m "$add a comment"

Likely you'll go back and edit-build-test in a few cycles.

The following commands might be helpful for you.

$ git add <filename> (used to add one file)
git add -A (add all changes, including new/delete/modified files)
git add -a -m "$add a comment" (add and commit modified and deleted files)
git add -u (add modified and deleted files, not include new files)
git add . (add new and modified files, not including deleted files)

Step 7: Push

When your commit is ready for review (or just to establish an offsite backup of your work), push your branch to your fork on

$ git push origin myfeature

Step 8: Create a pull request

  1. Visit your fork at$user/aop (replace $user obviously).
  2. Click the Compare & pull request button next to your myfeature branch.

Step 9: Get a code review

Once you open your pull request, at least two reviewers will participate in reviewing. Those reviewers will conduct a thorough code review, looking for correctness, bugs, opportunities for improvement, documentation and comments, and style.

Commit changes made in response to review comments to the same branch on your fork.

Very small PRs are easy to review. Very large PRs are very difficult to review.

How to use Pulsar standalone

  1. Clone this project from GitHub to your local.

    git clone
    cd aop
  2. Build the project.

    mvn clean install -DskipTests
  3. Copy the nar package to Pulsar protocols directory.

    cp ./amqp-impl/target/pulsar-protocol-handler-amqp-${version}.nar $PULSAR_HOME/protocols/pulsar-protocol-handler-amqp-${version}.nar
  4. Modify Pulsar standalone configuration

    # conf file: $PULSAR_HOME/conf/standalone.conf
    # add amqp configs
  5. Start Pulsar in standalone mode.

    $PULSAR_HOME/bin/pulsar standalone
  6. Add namespace for vhost.

    # for example, the vhost name is `vhost1`
    bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create -b 1 public/vhost1
    # set retention for the namespace
    bin/pulsar-admin namespaces set-retention -s 100M -t 2d public/vhost1
  7. Use RabbitMQ client test

    # add RabbitMQ client dependency in your project
    // Java Code
    // create connection
    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
    Connection connection = connectionFactory.newConnection();
    Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
    String exchange = "ex";
    String queue = "qu";
    // exchage declare
    channel.exchangeDeclare(exchange, BuiltinExchangeType.FANOUT, true, false, false, null);
    // queue declare and bind
    channel.queueDeclare(queue, true, false, false, null);
    channel.queueBind(queue, exchange, "");
    // publish some messages
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        channel.basicPublish(exchange, "", null, ("hello - " + i).getBytes());
    // consume messages
    CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(100);
    channel.basicConsume(queue, true, new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
        public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
            System.out.println("receive msg: " + new String(body));
    // release resource

How to use Proxy

To use proxy, complete the following steps. If you do not know some detailed steps, refer to Deploy a cluster on bare metal.

  1. Prepare ZooKeeper cluster.

  2. Initialize cluster metadata.

  3. Prepare bookkeeper cluster.

  4. Copy the pulsar-protocol-handler-amqp-${version}.nar to the $PULSAR_HOME/protocols directory.

  5. Start broker.

    broker config

  6. Reset the number of the namespace public/default to 1.

    $PULSAR_HOME/bin/pulsar-admin namespaces delete public/default
    $PULSAR_HOME/bin/pulsar-admin namespaces create -b 1 public/default
    $PULSAR_HOME/bin/pulsar-admin namespaces set-retention -s 100M -t 3d public/default
  7. Prepare exchange and queue for test.

    ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
    Connection connection = connectionFactory.newConnection();
    Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
    String ex = "ex-perf";
    String qu = "qu-perf";
    channel.exchangeDeclare(ex, BuiltinExchangeType.DIRECT, true);
    channel.queueDeclare(qu, true, false, false, null);
    channel.queueBind(qu, ex, qu);
  8. Download RabbitMQ perf tool and test.


    $RABBITMQ_PERF_TOOL_HOME/bin/runjava com.rabbitmq.perf.PerfTest -e ex-perf -u qu-perf -r 1000 -h amqp:// -p

Project Maintainer


This library is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0 and may include packages written by third parties which carry their own copyright notices and license terms.

About StreamNative

Founded in 2019 by the original creators of Apache Pulsar, StreamNative is one of the leading contributors to the open-source Apache Pulsar project. We have helped engineering teams worldwide make the move to Pulsar with StreamNative Cloud, a fully managed service to help teams accelerate time-to-production.